➺ Part 01: Cadet Training Arc

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NOTE: This chapter primarily serves as a section divider and an introductory chapter, feel free to skip to the story if you're not interested in the small details.

Year 845: The Fall of Shiganshina,

An unprecedented catastrophe that taught mankind the despair of being at the mercy of Titans. The breach of wall Maria led to an uncountable number of deaths in the southernmost district. Men, women, children... except one child.

How much of an impact could one life have on the greater course of history? That's exactly what you'll find out in this alternate timeline of Attack on Titan where you; a perfectly ordinary kid from the streets of Shiganshina survives.

CLARIFICATIONS: To avoid unnecessary repetition of known information, this story will generally assume that the reader has watched/read Attack on Titan. That said, I'll include some background to the events in these introductory chapters explaining any changes or deviations from the canon timeline.

01. This story assumes that in the canon timeline, you were eaten by a titan during the fall of Shiganshina. For unknown reasons, the titan turns away which spares your life and sets this alternate timeline in motion.

02. The Cadet Corps recruits new trainees once every three years, which is the reason you had to wait two years before joining them. I wasn't sure if this was specified in the manga, so there you go.

03. Following the Fall of Wall Maria, the curriculum in the Training Camp was updated to better train soldiers to fight titans. You'll be the first batch taking this new curriculum which is why graduates from the 104th are somewhat more adept at fighting titans than others.

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