Chapter 14: The Risky Operation

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You head down the stairs to meet up with Annie and Reiner as promised. In your effort, you managed to help a total of three other soldiers make it to HQ safely. It wasn't much considering the number of those that didn't make it, but realistically you couldn't ask for any more than that.

Even though you had made it to the HQ, you couldn't refuel as the gas supply room on the first floor was overrun by three and four meter class titans. Armin confirmed earlier that there were seven titans in total and asks Jean and a few others to go upstairs and look for the Military Police Brigade's weapons.

While they did that, you sit down to rest a bit. Reiner, who was sitting next to you asks Connie, "How much do you guys know about that titan?"

Connie answers, "We can worry about it after we get out of here."

"What are they talking about?" you ask Annie.

"About that titan outside, it was fighting the other titans. What do you think about it?" Annie asks you in turn.

"It has to be an abnormal right? Although something about the way it fought seemed familiar, but I'm not entirely sure what." You answer.

As you were talking, Jean and the others returned saying, "We found them! The Military Police's stock."

As they took the rifles out of the wooden crates, Jean asks "Are these really going to be of any use against the titans?"

Armin Answers, "Not really, but since they're only three and four meter class titans, we should at least be able to blind them all simultaneously with the firepower we have."

"How are we gonna do that?" Reiner asks.

"We'll have a group of people come down from the center part of the roof using the lift. After we draw all the titans towards us, we'll shoot them in their faces and take out their sight." Armin explains his plan.

"But that won't kill them, they'll just regenerate right?" Marco questions him.

He answers, "It won't, but we'll have seven others hide in the rafters and use that opportunity to jump in and slice their napes. In other words, everything; all our lives depend on this one attack. It's a strategy that allows seven people to take out a titan each, all at the same time."

After explaining his plan, Armin says, "I'd like the seven most physically capable people to take up this task. I'm sorry for putting the burden on you guys."

Armin lacked the capacity to realize his own worth and often underestimated himself. Even now, you notice how he blamed himself for being too weak despite being the genius who came up with the plan to begin with.

Annie comments, "Regardless of who does it, we all die if they fail, so the risk is the same." and cheers him up in her own way.

Mikasa follows up and reminds him of how his intellect had saved Eren and herself in the past and says that she believes in him. With that, everyone puts their faith in Armin's plan and move forward with it.

Mikasa, Reiner, Annie, Jean, Sasha, Connie and You were tasked with dealing the finishing blow while the others got on the lift and prepared the guns to blind the titans.

As they did that, the seven of you head downstairs to get into position on the rafters. As you made you way down the stairs Connie asks, "Are you sure we'll be able to take them down without ODM gear?"

Reiner explains, "Of course. They're only three and four meter class titans. Their vitals will be easier to target."

"Yeah, we just need to slash their nape from top to bottom regardless of their size." Jean corroborates.

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