Chapter 26: An Impossible Promise

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Mikasa chases after you as you carry Annie over the wall. You were faster than her at this point, however the added weight of carrying another person slows you down. You look behind and notice Mikasa gradually gaining on you and you couldn't go any faster without burning through your fuel.

Just as all hope seemed lost however, you see a thick forest just ahead. You go straight into the forest knowing it would provide you with the advantage, as Mikasa and the others weren't used to the terrain.

You easily pull off the precise maneuvers around the trees that were tightly packed together thanks to your training. You notice your pursuers slowly getting further and further away from you as they struggled to maintain speed in the dense forest that restricted their movements.

Annie was visibly in shock as she slowly regained consciousness. "What... did you do? Why are you—" she's interrupted as you take a sharp turn at full speed.

"Calm down... I'll explain once we get them off our tail." You answer and reassure her.

Once Mikasa and the others were out of sight, you ask Annie if she could transform and take you to Wall Rose.

"I'll try, but I'm not sure how long I can maintain it." she says and transforms into the Female Titan.

She carries you on her shoulder and sprints towards Wall Rose as fast as she could. But she runs out of stamina and collapses just as Wall Rose came into sight. You once again cut her out of the Female Titan's nape.

You couldn't afford to stay out in the open as the Survey Corps ought to have sent a search party after you, so you proceed on foot until you come across an abandoned windmill a few kilometers away from Karanese District. The wall wasn't that far from where you were, but you decide to call it a day and rest as it was starting to get dark.

You lay Annie down on a haystack as she was still unconscious and head upstairs to keep watch. A while later, you notice a group of soldiers carrying torches in the distance. It didn't seem like they were looking for you as they stuck close to the wall and made their way along it on horseback.


The next morning,

Somehow, you made it through the night without getting caught. You were sure the Survey Corps would come looking for you, but it seemed they were distracted by something else. You head downstairs to check on Annie.

She was still in disbelief as she regained consciousness asking, "W-why did you do that? Why would you go that far for an enemy?"

You think for a bit and answer, "Hmm... I don't know for sure myself. All I can say is that I don't regret it. I already said this before but... we're friends, aren't we? I couldn't just stand by and do nothing while you got captured."

"But, that's before you knew I was a titan... right?" she points out.

You clarify, "Not really. I've actually known about You, Reiner and Bertolt since camp."

Annie's eyes widen upon hearing that. "So, this whole time... you knew? How?"

"Remember that time you didn't show up for training? I saw Reiner and Bertolt sneak out of camp that night. I couldn't sleep, so I followed them and overheard your entire conversation." You explain.

"But, in that case... you must've heard about our plan to attack Wall Rose, right? Why didn't you warn the others?" Annie was utterly baffled by your actions— or lack thereof.

You answer, "I figured observing you and gathering information would benefit mankind more in the long run— at least I convinced myself it would. But the truth is... I couldn't bring myself to betray you."

Nest & Wings (Annie Leonhardt x Male Reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant