Chapter 34: Gamble Paid Off

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The next morning,

Having successfully recaptured Shiganshina and retrieved the information from Eren's basement, it was time to head back. You scrounge around the room for a good while, looking for your Survey Corps jacket. It had collected a thick coating of dust over the past month.

Annie sees you dusting it off and asks, "What are you doing with that?"

"Cleaning it... this thing has definitely seen better days. Oh and, you better put on yours as well. Practically it won't make much of a difference, but I want to take every measure to let them know that we're on their side." You explain.

Once you had finished all your preparations, you set off on horseback. You arrive at Trost by noon to find a weired-looking contraption built using titan hardening where the gate used to be.

It seems Eren had mastered how to use it— well... mastered might be an overstatement. It looked like he spammed crystals randomly, whereas Annie put an effort to make the walls in Shiganshina look clean and seamless when she patched them.

As you approach the wall, you see a squad of Garrison soldiers on top keeping watch. They immediately recognize you and ready the wall mounted cannons. They seemed to be aware that Annie was the Female Titan.

"We don't want to fight!" You shout at the guards. "We plan to surrender ourselves and stand trial for our actions."

"You can't seriously expect us to believe that... can you?" The Garrison Captain yells back.

"Nope, we're serious! We'll turn ourselves in as long as you agree to one condition." You exclaim.

The Captain responds, "Huh? And what's that?"

"We want an audience with Commander Erwin before you hand us over to the Military Police, that's all!" You state your demands.

They mutter among themselves and collectively decide to comply with your request. It seemed Annie's presence deterred them from rushing to conflict. They ask you to stay where you are and send a messenger to inform Commander Erwin about your request.


A few minutes later,

The messenger returns and says, "The Commander has approved of your request. Follow me!"

They put the two of you in handcuffs and confiscate Annie's ring. They've clearly done their homework and learned from what happened in Stohess. "It's a gift from her father, so please hand it back after the trial." You request as they took you to Commander Erwin's office.

As you walk in, the Commander says, "Looks like your gamble paid off."

You were surprised by his reaction. But knowing him, he probably had you figured out the moment you answered his question about the enemy's identity.

"Yes, Sir!" You salute him and say, "We've come back with results."

He asks the two of you to sit down and orders the Garrison soldiers to stay outside. Once the soldiers left, he says, "So, explain yourselves."

"First of all, I want to clarify my actions in Stohess. I never intended to betray you or the Survey Corps. I can't deny that personal feelings were involved, but at the same time, I simply did what I objectively judged would benefit humanity best in the long run. For starters, the Female Titan is now our ally. Although we already have Eren, Annie's has far more experience and unique skills that would surely be useful."

"That's favorable indeed... IF we can trust her. Can you prove that she has changed?" He questions you regarding Annie's loyalty.

"No Sir, she hasn't changed at all. But that's exactly why you can trust her!" you answer.

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