Chapter 33: No More Doubts

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Later that night,

You and Annie have a discussion at the roof of the HQ. Having read Dr. Jager's notes, Annie shares her own experience growing up in Liberio. She explains how she was born outside the internment zone. Her mother was a Marlean woman who had an affair with a man who turned out to be an Eldian.

After discovering that her daughter had Eldian blood, she abandons her and sends her to the internment zone as an orphan. There, Annie was adopted by Mr. Leonhardt who had grown up under similar circumstances.

At the time, the reason he adopted Annie was solely for the purpose of raising her to become a warrior in order to gain the 'Honorary Marlean' title and the perks given to the families of warriors. To that end, he teaches Annie anti-personnel combat techniques from his homeland and enrolls her in the warrior program where she's selected to inherit the Female Titan.

The rest of the story goes exactly how Annie told you back in camp. She inherited her titan at the age of nine and by the time she was eleven, they were assigned to retrieve the Founding Titan from Paradis.

"It was the day before we set off that he told me how he regrets raising me to become a warrior and would rather have a daughter instead. It was the first time in my life that I felt like I was worth anything... so I promised him I'd make it back no matter what." Annie explains.

Having shared everything about her past, Annie asks, "I've told you everything about my childhood. So... would you mind sharing a bit about yours? I'm intrigued to know how one grows up to become a half-witted soldier who'd risk his life for an enemy."

With that, you share everything that you were previously hesitant or embarrassed to talk about. You were careful not to elaborate too much on how your grandpa died during the attack though. Annie already felt more than enough guilt and you didn't want to add any more to it.


Afterwards, you discuss what the two of you witnessed earlier that day. Initially, you came up with the plan simply as a means for Annie to see her father again; nothing more, nothing less. But having witnessed the cruelty her people suffered yourself, it became all the more clear that you had to liberate them from Marley at any cost.

Annie leans against the railing and stares off into the distance probably thinking the same thing. You notice how the individual strands of her silky blonde hair scattered the moonlight as the wind blew against it. It draped down to her nape as she hadn't tied it behind like she usually does.

Annie had a habit of pushing her fringe to the side and over her ear. It was a simple gesture you've seen countless times before... But this time, it makes your heart skip a beat as you realize something that cleared all the confusion you've had till this point.

Jean was right! You've denied it every time it came up till now... but you couldn't lie to yourself anymore. You definitely had a crush on Annie— you've had it for a long time. Ever since you started training with her... perhaps even before that.

You feigned ignorance and convinced yourself it wasn't like that. But right now... at this moment, your instincts take over and you couldn't stop staring at her. Everything you've suppressed till this point resurfaced in an instant... anticipation, jealousy, heartache, all the feelings associated with it were always there.

Annie notices you staring and asks, "Is something wrong?"

"Umm... n-nothing!" It wasn't nothing... you desperately wanted to tell her how you felt.

But at the same time, you didn't want to complicate things for her. Having saved her life in Stohess just a few weeks ago, you realize you'd be putting her in a difficult position if you confessed your feelings right now. What's she supposed to do? Reject you after all that?

You fear the worst case scenario where she might feel obliged to say yes against her own feelings. After all, you did note how she seemed to have feelings for Armin back then. He was someone you admired yourself, so it was impossible for you to compare yourself to him.

As if it wasn't difficult enough to hold yourself back already, Annie starts pressing you for an answer. At your wits end, you respond, "There's nothing wrong, I just... I think you umm... look really pretty."

You give an honest answer to hopefully quench her curiosity. You figure it was safe to say at least that much as Annie wasn't the type to take a comment like that seriously. But you're genuinely caught off guard when it makes her blush. For the first time, Annie who rarely showed emotion looked really vulnerable.

"Are you saying...?" Annie doesn't complete the sentence, but you get the gist of what she suggested.

"N-no! Sorry, I didn't mean to— Umm... I didn't think you'd take it seriously." You answer nervously. You were worried that last line might've offended her, so you correct yourself, "I umm... I meant what I said; I really did think that, but aren't you like... into Armin or something?"

"Huh...?" Annie looks dumbfounded by your question. She contemplates for a bit and answers, "I guess I was for a bit... but it's probably not what you think. Remember when the Garrison was about to fire at Eren?"

You answer, "Yeah. You asked me the same question while we were cleaning Trost, right?"

"I did. After Eren transformed, I watched how Armin pleaded for him in front of the soldiers. I was taken aback by how he was risking his life for a titan. I just... for some reason I wondered if he'd do the same for me. Looking back, it was just wishful thinking. But at the time, I desperately wanted someone to understand me. I mean, do you know what it feels like when your entire life is a lie?" She asks.

You respond, "N-no... I can't even begin to fathom how difficult it must've been."

Annie continues, "It felt like I was slowly losing myself, so I wanted someone to accept me for who I am. I feel stupid saying this but... I gave Armin subtle hints on who I was thinking he'd figure it out and... maybe come talk to me about it. But the first thing he did when he eventually found out was come up with a plan to capture me."

You notice a hint of sadness in her eyes, similar to what you saw in Stohess. "I-I'm sorry you had to go through that Annie... but once we clear your name, maybe—"

"You don't get it, do you? Listen... if Armin had at least tried to understand me, I might have fallen for him. But he didn't... YOU did!"

"Huh? What do you mean?" you were confused.

She explains, "I mean... I didn't believe someone would actually risk their life for me, so it genuinely caught me off guard when you literately threw everything away for my sake. Honestly... I didn't know how to even approach you after that." Annie looked unusually nervous saying that.

"I didn't really throw anything away you know." You comment. "I told you before, but all I really wanted was to regain the sense of belonging I've been deprived of. That's why I was dead set on reclaiming Shiganshina in the first place."

Annie asks, "What does that have to do with you saving me?"

You explain, "Everything! You're partially responsible for the emptiness I was feeling. But as ironic as it is, over time you had slowly filled in that void yourself. Like the way you'd wait for me whenever I got late for training... I know it sounds trivial, but it made me feel like I belong there."

"But it doesn't change the fact that I caused it to begin with." She points out.

You elaborate, "I couldn't care less about that; it's just the way I am. I'd rather cherish what's in front of me than contemplate on what's behind. When I said I didn't throw anything away, I really meant it... because you ARE practically everything to me! I—"

Annie kisses you before you could finish. 

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