"You okay, Aspen?" Barry asks me from the kitchen as I fill three mugs with coffee.

"I'm fine." I reply, instantly regretting my short tone instantly. "Sorry. I didn't mean to be short with you. I've just got those guys at one of my tables."

"Oh. Are they being rude?" Barry's eyes are wide.

"It's nothing I can't handle. Don't worry." I give him a reassuring smile before placing the mugs on a small tray and heading back up front.

Joe's face isn't exactly happy as I return, and I warily approach the table.

"That was awfully rude to leave in the middle of our conversation, Aspen."

"I'm sorry you feel that way, Joe. Like I said, I've got several tables to keep up with, and I'm trying to stay ahead of the rush. Did you decide what you'd like to order?"

"What happened to your wrist?" He asks again. "Was it that boyfriend of yours? What was his name, Rylie? I'd be happy to take care of him."

Lord help me now. "No, it wasn't."

"Well then what happened? I don't take you to be the clumsy type."

"Joe, please..."

He cuts me off. "I'm not appreciating your attitude. I'm being polite, just asking you a simple question because even though you don't seem to realize it, I care about you and I want to know what you did to your poor wrist. Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if your boyfriend did do it if you were treating him at all how you're treating me. I'm half tempted to do the same since you're being such an ungrateful bitch."

The silence that follows his words is nearly deafening, and I assume it's because of the roaring in my ears. If I'd had control of my body, I would've looked around to see every eye on me and Joe. But I didn't have control, so I'm not able to do anything as my fingers take hold of one of the mugs filled with steaming coffee, and I watch as the hot liquid suddenly splashes down his face and onto his lap.

"What the fuck!" He screams, wiping the hot liquid from his eyes. He starts to speak again, but I cut him off.

"Get the hell out." My voice threatens to shake, but miraculously stays strong.

"Who the fu-" I cut Joe off again, this time with a glare. Suddenly, Barry is by my side.

"I'll have to ask you men to leave." He says curtly. "Now." Surprisingly, they listen. My face feels hot as I watch them leave, and I realize every eye in the diner is still on me.

"Aspen," I hear a voice from the back, and turn to see Larry in the kitchen doorway with his hands on his hips.

Well, damn.

"Thank you." I say softly to Barry before setting my tray on the table. "I'll clean up this mess after I talk to him. If I'm not fired. But there's a pretty big chance I am..." I ramble.

"Hey, it's okay. I got it. And don't worry, everyone heard what he said to you. You're not to blame here."

"Thanks, Barry." I reply, but I don't feel confident. I was pretty sure I was about to be fired.

Larry doesn't say anything as he leads me back into his office, he only points me to an old wooden chair before shutting the door behind us.

At least getting fired will give me more time to be with Rylie.

"About what happened out there..." Larry starts.

Suddenly, I can't stop the words from spilling out of my mouth. "I'm really sorry, I don't know what came over me. He just started talking about Rylie thinking she was my boyfriend and she's in the hospital and it actually was my ex boyfriend that did this to me and..."


"I'm really sorry, Larry. I understand if you need to fire me."

"Aspen, I'm not going to fire you."

"I- you're not?"

"No." He chuckles. "Although I don't condone making it a habit to spill hot coffee on paying customers, this one deserved it. Plus, he didn't ever pay much, anyway."

"He said you two are friends..."

Larry barks out a loud laugh, and the sound echoes around the small office. "He did, huh? I wonder what his definition of 'friends' is. He screwed me over years ago but refuses to see a problem between us. Thinks he's paying me back by eating at my diner and harassing my best waitresses."

Best? I thought he hated me.

Larry sees the change in my expression. "Don't let it get to your head." He says, and I laugh. "Anyway, I heard what Joe said. Barry noticed him getting upset, and pulled me out to come talk to him. We were just in time to hear his threat and see you spill the coffee."

"I didn't really mean to, honestly. I was just so... angry. I didn't really have control of my body."

"Yeah, that'll happen when you're really, really angry." Larry chuckles. "So Aspen, there's one other thing I wanted to talk to you about. Rylie's accident. I'm impressed you even came in today at all. I'd been a little annoyed when you asked for last week off in addition to the last couple weeks, but if I'd known why, I would've gotten you more time off." He pauses, struggling to find his words. "I know I rarely show it, and I sure as hell don't act like it, but I do care about you, Aspen. You are a very hard worker, and the customers love you, as do your co-workers." Despite my best efforts, my eyes fill with tears.

"How's your wrist?" Larry asks.

I clear my throat before answering. "Good. The cast is hopefully coming off Thursday."

"Good. How much time off do you need?"

"I... I don't know. Because work keeps me distracted, but then I can't stop wondering if she is actually awake and no one has told me."

"What about if I only schedule you a few days a week, and only for a couple of hours?"

"You would be willing to do that?"

"Believe it or not, there is a lot I am willing to do. I just want you to be taken care of."

"Thank you, Larry. That sounds great."

"You're welcome. I'm also going to make sure Joe and his friends don't come back."

"Except for Dan, he was always nice to me."

Larry chuckles. "Dan's a good guy. He just needs better friends."

You can say that again.

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