Micah - Commitment Chapter 8

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"Marriage?" Old Lobo said aloud in anger, punching the wall that stood at the side of him. "We have no time for such petty matters." 

"I disagree," Sir Elroy interrupted, staring at Lobo as his hand was covered with bruises. "A marriage is the most sacred thing that can happen between a man and a woman in the eyes of the Gods. Let the boy marry whom he chooses. It's his decision, not yours." 

"Where was your advice," Old Lobo asked, "when he wanted your daughter's hand in marriage?" 

"Cecilia loved him, it's true," Sir Elroy admitted. "He's a good lad but he couldn't afford to keep my daughter fed and clothed. As a father, I made a decision for my daughter's sake and I'll do it all again without a second thought." 

"My nephew will not be marrying today to some peasant girl he grew up with," Lobo argued. "One day he'll be married to a lady, a daughter from some Lord." 

"Is there a problem?" Millie asked as she descended from the stairs with Skyler and her mother standing behind her. 

"I oppose this marriage!" Lobo said aloud with the lightning cracking behind his voice. 

"Is my daughter not fit to marry your nephew, the fisherman?" Myra asked. 

"He's not your average fisherman. He's the heir of..." 

"Enough, uncle," Micah replied. 

"Does your uncle speak for you, Micah?" Millie asked, walking toward him. 

"No, I've given you my word. We'll marry at once." 

"If you do this, you'll regret it until the day you die," his uncle warned. 

"Or maybe you'll be grateful that you did," added Sir Elroy. 

"Let's get on with it," Micah said, staring at Miss Myra. 

"Face each other and hold onto one another's hands." They did as Miss Myra told them and they stared at each other while Skyler looked on from the middle. "Repeat the words after me," Miss Myra said as they followed her words. 

"By all the Gods we swear," they repeated together, "to pledge ourselves to one another, to love and to cherish. No petty matter shall distance us for we are one, now and forever." 

When they had finished speaking, Miss Myra closed her sacred book and she placed a sheet of paper upon it while Skyler offered them the feather and ink. They both signed their names at the bottom of the paper, and now they had become one.

"You can both kiss now," Skyler told them while placing her hands by her eyes. 

Micah stared at his uncle, noticing his back was facing him while Sir Elroy kept clapping, waiting to see their wedding sealed off with a kiss. 

"Kiss her, Lad," Sir Elroy said. "She's already your wife, there's no turning back now." 

Micah kept staring into Millie's big brown eyes pausing for a moment as she stared back into his yellow eyes. "Is your hate for me so great you can't even kiss me?" she whispered, turning her face toward the ground. He then raised her head to face him, kissing her upon the lips as she kissed him back. 

"Now you are man and wife," her mother said with a smile on her face. "Millie will show you to the room." 

"Why are they going to Millie's room?" Skyler asked. 

"To sleep," Miss Myra replied as she watched her daughter and Micah climb the steps. 

"I thought I was sleeping with teacher Millie tonight," Skyler said, confused. 

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