Win left Pah outside the club gates and locked up, all the time Team stood beside him. To say he was shocked would be an understatement. What the fuck just happened? Teams mind raced with thoughts.

Was hia a witch?.......... Or maybe Team was high and didn't even know it..... Was he imagining all this up?

"Team?" The boy snapped out of his thoughts. He noticed they were standing near his car. When had they gotten here?!


"I asked if your coming." Win repeated softly. He was afraid he had messed up. He had been double checking the locks of all the doors when he heard Pah talking. If it wasn't for his super sensitive hearing he wouldn't have been able to hear the conversation. Win had not been thinking straight after he heard Pah slam Team against the locker. That was his MATE!

"What happened there?" Team finally asked.


"Hia I'm asking something" Team repeated, reaching a hand out to hd Win's arm. Something told him that he should probably be scared at the moment, but he wasn't. If anything he was afraid Win would cut him off if what happened wasn't addressed.

The senior turned to look at Team. He was terrified that he had ruined everything, though the cases were super rare there were some where vampires had been rejected by their mates.

Win was desperate, he wanted to scent Team so bad, mark him as taken to the whole supernatural world but he couldn't. He didn't want to make the other uncomfortable. Forced marking was not even a question, for one it hurt a lot and two it would mean he forced Team, that would make the boy hate him.

"I'm a vampire." Win spoke before he could stop the words from coming out.


"I'm a vampire" He said louder, scanning Team for a reaction. Team started laughing. Wtf?

"Out of all the things you could have said hia, you chose vampire? I've seen you in the sun before, you might as well have said you were a demon"

Win couldn't blame him, he probably did sound like he was lying, even though he had picked Pah up with one hand in front of Team just minutes ago. "I'm telling the truth!"

Team stopped smiling "Then prove it"
Win sighed and closed his eyes, when he opened then again they were red, he opened his mouth to show his fangs.
When Team stayed silent the other understood that he was still confused. Win closed his eyes again and this time when he opened them they were back to their original colour, his fangs went back up.

Team didn't resist when he felt the other place his hand at the back of his head and pull his head to his chest. Team could hear the Wins heart. It wad thumping abnormally slow
badum............ badm..............badm.

It was too slow for a human to survive....


Win layed on his back thinking about how things had changed since that evening a week ago. Team had been anything but scared of him, Win could even say that his mate was excited. There had been so many questions for him and Win answered all of them happily. It was all going so well......untill today.

Earlier at campus when they were alone Team had asked him how vampire romance works. Win had a feeling that they were doing good progress so he decided to tell Team everything. He told him how the mate concept worked, about the pull, scenting, marking, rejection, how rare it was having a human mate, how after a vampire marked their human the persons life span would increase to match the vampires so they could grow old together.

After he finished explaining everything Team looked awed. He asked him if Win had found his mate. Win nodded, then he told him. In the heat of the moment he told Team he was his mate. The Junior couldn't respond as Pharm and Manaow came back just in time to drag him away for class. Win hadn't seen Team since then.

There was a knock on his door, it's 1:30 at night. Win opened the door to find Team standing outside with his bag "What are you doing here?"

Team pushed past him and into the room mumbling about not being able to sleep and crashing in Win's room. He left his bag on the couch and sprawled down on the bed with a satisfied groan. Surprised, Win locked the door before walking up to him.

Team made a face when Win got on top and straddled him, trapping his hands to the side of his head.

"Hia! Let me sleep" Team groaned, trying to free his hands

"Team...About what I said today, what are you going to do?" He asked cautiously.

Team stopped moving and looked at him for sometime before responding with another question "What do you want to do?"

"I want to be with you." Win said without hesitation. "I want you today, tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, I want to be with you till I die. But more importantly I want to know if you'll be with me."

There was silence for a few moments before - ".... What if I say no?" Team had asked out of plain curiosity but regretted it the moment he saw hurt flash through Win's face. Win let go of his hands and started to get off.

In a hurry Team grabbed the collar of Wins shirt and pulled him down, their faces were merely inches apart "I didn't say no hia. I said what if."


Instead of answering he pulled Win down and kissed him. The seniors eyes soon fluttered close as he he slipped his hand behind Team's head, pushing their lips further against each other.

They broke the kiss after a few minutes, both slightly panting. Win smirked at the blush that spread across Teams face.
"I want to hear you Team. What's your answer"

If his night vision wasn't this good Win wouldn't have been able to enjoy seeing Team turn a darker shade of pink at his words. "Your mine." Team said loud enough than Win would have heard him even without his super hearing.

Win grinned, he got off the boy and to his side, placing his mates head on his bicep as Team moved closer to his body.
After a few minutes Team felt a breath on his shoulder as someone slowly started to nuzzle his neck. It sent pleasent shivers down Teams spine, from just a touch he was ready to moan but he held himself back. Team gripped onto Wins shirt and itched closer to the touch, ignoring the smirk he felt growing on Wins face as he sniffed and kissed him multiple times before finally stopping.

The elder chuckled when he heard Team whine at the loss "Sleep Team it's already late" He whispered kissing the others forehead.

"....Don't you want to mark me hia?" Team asked recalling what Win had said about vampires being possesive and having an irresistible pull towards their mate.

"You have no idea" Win growled in a low voice "but I don't want to do anything to make you uncomfortable. I'll mark you when you say your ready" His last words were filled with affection.

Although the self control it took not to mark his mate while the he was in his arms was killing him, Win felt like it was all worth it when Team snuggled closer to him whispering a small thank you.

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