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I didn't expect that Mr. Venereza will be this scorching hot. The moment I saw him, I got attracted right away. I'm gonna be a liar if I won't speak the truth that he is indeed so hot. I've dated some guys before but never have I ever seen a built, appeal, and that wide and sultry shoulders like his. He is so hot but as a doctor, he is still my patient. I can't be all flirty and I have to stand firm to my profession. Besides, he might be in a relationship and I don't want to be the reason why they're breaking up or what. I've been in that situation before. I was cheated on by my ex-boyfriend, Griffin, with his own ex-girlfriend from two years ago. It had traumatized me and gave me so much trust issues in life. Griff and I dated for two years and broke up just weeks ago. I let him fool me and he made me believe that he can be a better boyfriend. Turned out he is still seeing her while he's still in a relationship with me. What a total dumb I was.

And now, here's Gigo Venereza walking right beside me. I don't know where we're heading and I don't know why but I feel like I trust him enough. I've gotten comfortable being with him. I know we've just met but he's giving me the warmth and hope that we can be great friends in the long run.

"Are you okay? Do you want to go back? Is your feet hurting?" he asked me and I can see worry in his eyes

"I'm all good, Gigs..." I replied and I love how casual it feels and sounds to call him by his name

"Let's sit there first..." he pointed at a nearby bench so now we're walking towards it

"Hey, I said I'm okay. What's this all for?" I asked him while he told me to sit

"Let me check on your feet. You're wearing heels, right? Your feet might be hurting..." he said as he slowly remove my Walter Steiger slingback pumps heels and low-key look at my feet

I can't help but just look at him. He's worried that my feet might be hurting. Isn't that the sweetest thing ever? Oh god, spare me from his charm please.

"See, it's all good. I'm okay and I can walk, Mr. Venereza..." I said as I stand up and grab my purse

"Mr. Venereza, huh? We're now in public, mujer..." he said and I heard a spanish word which I have no clue what that even means

"Oh god. Gigo! You're Gigo in public..." I said and we both laugh at it

And there goes his smile. He's smiling at me like I'm the most amazing thing he has ever seen.

And I should definitely google what "mujer" means. Lol

"I'm okay, Gigo. I can walk and I can even dance in this heels..." okay, that was a lame joke

I am not expecting him to smile and find it funny but he did. Oh god, what to do? That smile....that smile is enough to make me undress myself and offer my flesh to him. Lol

Pervert thoughts, go away! Lol

"Still a no. You look like you can walk miles and miles in that heels but you know, that's torture. I can't let you suffer, Clauds. So sit again, please? I have to grab something real quick..." he said and before I can even answer or contradict him, he is running away from me and I don't know where he's going

Oh wait, I have to text my bestfriend and ask her to buy the chocolate milk that Gigo likes. So I texted her and after I hit that send button, I find myself looking at google and searching for the meaning of mujer.

(Mi mujer- my woman)

Holy fried chicken! He called me his woman?

I felt myself turning red and blushing and I can't help but giggle. Oh god.

"There you go..." I got kind of shocked when Gigo is in front of me, all sweaty and catching some breath

"Oh god. Where have you been? What happened to you?" I ask while panicking if I should bring out a box of tissue or if I should give him some water

"I'm okay. I'm an athlete, remember? This is nothing. Here, look what I got you..." he's still catching some breath and I can't help but feel bad about it

He bought something from a local flip-flop store so this might me some flip-flops, obviously.

"You don't have to..." I told him but he shrugged it off

"I have to, mujer. Or else your feet will be hurting..."he said and sat beside me

I opened the paper bag and immediately cracked a laugh when I saw what he got me.

"Rapunzel huh?" I can't help but laugh because he got me a flip-flops with Rapunzel's faces all over it and I'm not sure if it will fit me but I hope it will

"I have to go for that one, I'm sorry. Or else you have to wear a Ben 10 or Pokemon flip-flops..." he said and we both laugh

"I'm fine with Rapunzel then. Seriously, you don't have to do this, Gigs. I'm okay, I'm alright. I'm a grown ass woman who can walk barefoot if I have to..." I said

"Why walk barefoot if I can carry you? Besides, I know how that heels can be a bother sometimes to you women. My Mom loves heels but often complains about it too..." he said and today, I feel like the luckiest girl that has ever existed

"Shall we go now? Wait, try it on and see if that fits you..."

"Okay. Here we go..." I put it on and it fits's an inch bigger but I'm alright

"I think that's okay, right? It's not about the way it looks but the comfort it gives you..." Gigo said with some life lessons on the side lol

"True that. Let's go..." he let me grab his hand and off we go



Natatawa na lang ako kapag napapatingin ako sa flip-flops o tsinelas na binili ko kay Claudia. Wala eh, alangan namang Ben 10 diba?

Naglalakad na kami ngayon papunta sa Comamos Restaurant na pagmamay-ari ng kaibigan kong si Alex. He's also from Bolivia and he's been a family friend for ages already. Sa CCC sana kami pupunta but I want Claudia to have a taste of Bolivia kaya sa Comamos ko siya dadalhin. It's not that far and besides, walking is a good cardio exercise.

When we get there, Alex is all smiles as he hugs me.

"Mucho tiempo sin verte..." sabi niya which means long time no see my friend

Which is not true. I stopped by his restaurant yesterday. Liar. Lol

"Como te va amigo mio..." I asked how he's doing

"Estoy muy bien y sigo vivo y respirando..." sabi niya he's doing great daw and still alive and kicking

Loko-loko talaga 'tong mokong na 'to.

"įY quién es esta hermosa dama que está contigo ahora?" tinatanong niya kung sino ba daw ang magandang babae na kasama ko ngayon

"Ella es mi doctora..." sagot ko at parang hindi pa naniniwala ang mokong na 'to

"No te crea..." sabi niya hindi siya naniniwala sa akin

Maybe doctor for now, my woman soon?

9:43 A.M

GIGO VENEREZA (++18)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat