1. Meeting

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Spikes pov.
His eyes are dark brown and squinted towards my feathered back. " You're a different species"
"No shit sherlock" I motion to his tense tail behind him.
" We aren't supposed to room with different species are we??" He mumbles to himself, completely ignoring my statement. " There must be something wrong." His words are directed at me this time.
" God you just realized this?" My words snap at him. I can't help but think that he's so utterly stupid. My eyes follow his body up and down lazily to analyze the mutt before me. I notice that he's a bit smaller than the other wolves i've encountered, in height and weight, definitely smaller than me.
"We have to go check with the front office to tell them they've made a mistake" His words cut off my thoughts and I look at his face now to see a red tint has warmed his cheeks.
"We?" I ask like he's stupid " Im staying right here and finishing unpacking"
" But what if they move you?" His eyebrows furrow at my clothes that I began taking out of they're boxes.
"Then they will have a hell of a time getting me out of here" I glance at him as I decide to continue what i was doing, already annoyed with his uncontrolled tail swishing.
  "Fine" he snapped at me "Ill go by myself" he said irritated as he turned around and walked out into the hall. "Fucking bird brain" he utters at the last minute not realizing i can hear.
   " God damn mutts" I utter back out of spite. I always disliked the dogs that make up a decent amount of the hybrids. Their litter mindset has them breeding consistently and producing more of the terrible animals. Though a lot of the hybrids have a very primal mindset that has breeding at the top of the list (which results in a lot of teen pregnancies). Dogs just annoy me with all of the stupid packs of irritating little mutts that shove their snouts into things they shouldn't.
  My feathers twitch and flutter at me and my falcons annoyance as my hands work at folding the empty boxes. " I am not going to room with that little mutt"
Drew's pov
   " I am not rooming with that fucking bird" I talk to myself as I wonder around looking for the main office. My thoughts going back to the way his steal like eyes raked up and down my body.
  " FUCK! Stop it you idiot tail" Grabbing the fluff to stop its erratic swishing. Im not supposed to be fucking excited about his gaze. This is not gonna end well at all.
   Being his roommate is not gonna work out as wolves are very territorial about their rooms. They view their rooms as a den and usually only except other wolves or mates. Along with birds being very protective of their beds because they view their beds as a nest. The hybrid thing really puts a block in cross species relations.
   I finally come up on a sign that points to my destination. Time to put things straight.
   " Uhm ma'am, I think i have a problem with my roommate" I speak towards the woman typing away at the front desk
   " A lot of people have problems with their roommates, just because you don't like them doesn't mean you can change roommates" She snaps not even looking my way.
   "But my roommate is a different species" This catches her attention as she finally stops her typing.
    "Oh.. Uhm sorry about earlier, Im sure it's just a mix up" She apologizes " Tell me your name sweetheart"
   "Andrew Wild" I speak up
  "Andrew, Andrew, Andrew Wild. Let's see here" she talks to herself as her fingers work the keyboard. "OH! No sweet thing your with the right roommate. LESLIE!!!" her voice raises toward a female crow in the back.
   " Yes Mrs. Sam" Leslie's head pops out from whatever office she was in.
   " Can you address the cross species rooms with Wild here please" Mrs.Sam asks much more quietly this time.
  They can't be serious, right? There can't be cross species rooms, it just doesn't work out with predators.
  "Oh, oh, oh, yes, yes i can" her beak snaps over and over again as she struggles to get across to me. " Okay walk with me while i talk Mr. Wild"
   Please please just say your going to switch us into different rooms.
"So every once in a while we have to do cross species rooms as a result of one too many hybrids in our school or in this case too many of one species and not enough of another, and not enough rooms either." She explains as she guides me back to the room I just left. "This year there was too many wolf hybrids and not enough bird hybrids so we had to choose the most docile wolf to room with the  extra Gyrfalcon we had. And you were our most docile with the least aggressive case." she turns toward me as we get closer to the falcon that has been on my mind since we got here.
   "Do you do anything extra to make up for the cross we have to deal with" I ask aggravated with the situation.
  " Yes, yes we do, we do offer the bigger rooms and bigger beds so you have more space and more nest- Ah I mean bed room." She stutters a bit jittery from my slight aggression in my words.
   " You're back dog" The winged male growls at me. "- and with a crow" he states scowling at the bird.
This is gonna be hell.

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