"How can she be so careless?" I said as I sighed, trying to calm myself.

"She is sleeping. You can go see her if you want," Ella said as she pointed to the room behind her.

I went to the door and entered the room. To see Lilly sleeping, I went to the chair next to the bed and sat down.

'You stupid bitch, couldn't you just eat and take care of yourself?'
'do I have to take care of you from now on?'

I sat there for 10 minutes, thinking of every way I can help her take care of herself, when there was a knock on the door.

"Come in," I said, as the door opened and a nurse entered the room.

She came in and stood next to Lilly in front of me.

"I want to ask about her health. Is she doing good right now?" I asked the nurse.

"Yes, she is now okay. I just need to check her to see if there is anything wrong," she said.

She made a check-up on Lilly then she said, "she's great now, but she is still tired so don’t put pressure on her when she wakes up."

"Okay, is there anything I can do to help her?,"

"just look after her and make sure she eats all her meals and sleeps well," the nurse said.

"Thank you so much," I said as she went out of the room.

I stayed in the room with Lilly for another 20 minutes, when I saw her finger move a bit.

I looked at her face and her eyes were opening, not long after she opened her eyes completely adjusted to the light of the room.

"Are you stupid?" I immediately asked her, making her jump slightly and look at me.

"What are you doing here?" she asked me.

"Are you stupid? Why didn't you eat?"

"I wasn’t feeling like it," Lilly said as she stretched.

"Well, if I have to force you to eat, I will. From now on I’m keeping my eyes on you,"

"you don’t have to," Lilly said.

"I want to,"


"Because I care about you. "


'play it cool'

"Who else can help me with my exam?"

"Oh," Lilly said as she turned away from me and grabbed a cup of water that was put on the table next to the bed.

'I lied fuck'
'why did she say oh?'
'did I hurt her?'
'no she doesn't even like me'

"tomorrow you are not going to school,"

"I have to,"

"no" I said.

"I will go,"

"no you won't,"

"I’m fine. I can go tomorrow,"


"you can't make me,"

"watch me,"

"whatever I'm going,"

"we'll see about that," I said as I took out my phone and started scrolling through it.


His Lilly ✓Where stories live. Discover now