Part 4 | Steve Rogers

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You were in the gym, alone, unleashing your fury on a punching bag. You usually were only here once a week, but had came in three times already this week, your boss infuriating you to the point where you needed to punch something. And thought it better to punch an inanimate object rather than your bosses smug face as he sneered ''Now now Y/n, you need to rewrite this, it's not right.''  You punched again, knuckles raw. 

The door opened and man entered, tall, and well-built, with a shock of sandy hair and blue eyes. He offered you a smile. ''Rough day?'' He asked, gesturing to your bruised hands. You gave him a grin, taking a few steps away from the bag. 

''You could say that.''  You grinned again. He threw you a bottle of water from your bench. You caught it and drank gratefully. 

''Care to share?'' He started wrapping his hands, sitting on the edge of one of the benches. You shrugged. 

''My boss, he keeps making me rewrite the same essay over and over again.'' You punched the bag a few more times. ''I'd written that three fucking times before I handed it in. Now he's made me write it again at least six times.'' You seethed, fury blinding you for a brief moment, unleashing on the bag, before coming to your senses, and breathing heavily. ''Sorry, you don't really care.'' You gave him a rueful grin, shuffling your feet. 

''No, no, please, I find it interesting.'' He smiled, hands now wrapped, walking over to you and holding the other side of the bag. ''I'm Steve, by the way.'' 

''Y/n'' You grinned. ''And I'm about to head out, I have a dog to walk.'' You excused yourself, giving him a final wave before ducking into the changing rooms, showering and dressing in a pair of jeans and a loose sweatshirt, slinging a rucksack over your shoulder, and exiting. 

''Hey, I'll meet you for coffee in an hour?'' Steve called. You turned, grinning as you nodded. ''At that place down on 75th?'' 

''Yeah, see ya!'' You smiled, pushing the door open. 

An hour later, your dog was walked, and you were stood outside the coffee shop, seeing Steve already waiting for you. You hesitated for a moment, but he'd noticed you, and smiled, waving you inside. You grinned, and entered, walking over to him. 

''Glad you could make it.'' He smiled, standing, drawing you into a tight hug, releasing you and pulling your chair out for you. 

''Thanks.'' You sat down, and lent forwards as he sat opposite you. 

The conversation flowed easily, to your surprise, chatting easily about work, and your family. He spoke about some of his friends, but nothing of his family. You didn't question it, thinking that it might upset him. You'd been there for hours when your phone went off. 

''I'm so sorry, I have to take this.'' You said, guiltily standing and raising the phone to your ear. 

''It's fine, same time next week?'' He asked.

You nodded, and left, a broad smile on your face. 

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