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Family visit

Lola and I tumble into her house laughing. Mrs Lovec is sitting on the sofa in the living room with a book when she catches sight of us.

"Hey girls. Had a good day?" She asks.

An idea sparks to life so before Lola can react, I jump across the room and join Mrs Lovec on the sofa.

"Would you happen to have an album of little Lola photo's I could see?" I ask sweetly.

"No mom." Lola says, a slight laugh slipping through. "Don't do it."

I keep smiling sweetly at Mrs Lovec who in turn smiles back. A playfulness gleaming in her eye. "I've got a few." With that she gets up and heads out the room.

Lola pounces on me, tickling my sides. "You're so evil."

"Payback." I manage to pant out around the laughing fit her tickling inflicts.

"Aww, mom, come on." Lola groans, slipping off me. She sits next to me as Mrs Lovec takes the other side, placing the book between us.

"Lola, you're in a relationship now, it's my duty as your mother to embarrass you in front of your girlfriend with baby photos."

"Plus, after today she deserves to suffer." I say, poking my tongue out at Lola. "She took me to see my brother today." I explain to Mrs Lovec.

"Oh Connie. How did it go?" She asks, concern her primary reaction.

"Where are you taking me girlie?" I ask Lola with a laugh.

"I thought now you've got a legal life story again; it was time for you to sort out some stuff from your past." She says mysteriously. After all my worrying about what Lola's family would do when they found out my past; what actually happened was a million times better than I expected. My years of inside knowledge and lack of blood lust making me a commodity the hunters wanted on their team. When they asked me if I wanted to join the hunters, I didn't need to think about it. Anything to stop more people being taken like I was. The bonus came when the hunters pulled out connections in high places and gave me a legal fake back story. The best part is I now have I.D., including a driver's licence.

What does she mean about my past though? I furrow my brows and look at my surroundings, trying to figure out where we are. Just as I realise Lola continues talking.

"It turns out when Naomi did the search on you, she was very thorough. Your brother lives ..."

"Around the corner from here. 31 Oak street."

"Yeah." She says slowly. "How did you know? I thought you haven't seen him since before you were taken."

"I haven't spoken to him but I have kept up-to-date on his life. I may not be in his life but I'm still his big sister."

She smiles at me. "I bet you were an amazing big sister."

"Timmy probably wouldn't have agreed with you at the time. He was your typical boy, always out playing. One time I was meant to be watching him. Mom had popped out to the store. I was getting a drink when Timmy comes barrelling into the house. He had this massive grin on his face and blood pouring down his chin. He'd decided to make a jump on his bike and crashed when celebrating the landing. He had a split lip but was so proud of himself. I was torn between stopping the bleeding and wanting to throw up, but ultimately Timmy came first. Mom came home just as I was trying to clean him up, as soon as she took over, I rushed to the bathroom."

"You didn't get in trouble, did you?"

"My mom hit the roof. No supper for either of us that night. I missed out on a party I'd been wanting to go to for months and Timmy was left with a scar on his lip."

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