Chapter 2

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New friends

Third period found me in Modern History with US History. The teacher Mrs Dodd's, greeted me warmly before showing me to a seat and what she informs me will be my work partner for the year. The room seemed more like a science lab with two people to a table but the décor was all history themed. Timeline's boarder the wall along the top, posters of different historical issues break up the walls. It makes me feel at home with the history in the room.

My new work partner smiled as I took my seat. Her strawberry blond hair in a simple ponytail, a light cargo jacket covering a band shirt. Her look seemed effortless and suited her well. "So, you're the new mystery girl?"

I groan, first day of high school after fifty years and I get labelled a stupid nickname on the first day. So far, the other students in my previous two classes refrained from talking to me. Oh, I got plenty of looks. Some of them friendly, others not so much. All of them unwelcome.

"What's the old mystery girl going to be called now then if I'm the new mystery?" Sarcasm comes flowing out of me with little thought. Maybe I should pull it back, especially if I have to work with this girl for the rest of the year.

I was just about to apologise for my attitude when she burst out laughing. "That's a good question. Mystery solved maybe? Or we could just call her Jane."

"Please tell me her surname is not doe?"

"You solved the mystery." She says, the laughter evident in her eyes. She has a spark in her blue eyes that I didn't register before. A spark I've known to see reflected back at me in the mirror. And yes I could look in a mirror when I was a vampire, I still had a reflection.

I smile, maybe I will get on with this girl. "I'm Connie."


We don't get more chance to talk before the lesson begins, and during it is mainly note taking. No chance to get to know my new work partner. At the end I start to pack away when Lola breaks the silence.

"Do you have lunch next?"


"Great, follow me." She says, tucking her chair in. With a shrug I scramble to follow.

Entering the cafeteria Lola leads me to the queue. "Welcome to our illustrious lunch room. With a menu to die for or from. Warning, the mystery meat requires you to pick a bin to throw up into in advance. We have thick slices of cardboard disguised as pizza and burgers that require a hammer and chisel to break through."

"Damn and I left my personalised hammer at home today."

"Well, you live and learn."

Making our way through the line Lola continues to inform me of the way of the school, all with that touch of sarcasm. I don't get a chance to look around as she has me so absorbed in her orbit. Once we've paid Lola leads me over to a table with a skinny looking guy sitting by himself.

"Matty, meet Connie, my new history partner." Lola says sitting next to the guy, Matty.

Matty smiles politely. His hair a dishevelled mess that looks like he just got out of bed. A grey, long sleeved top on with the sleeves scrunched up his forearms. "Hi, my deepest apologies for getting stuck with this one." He says, throwing a grin at Lola who elbows him in response.

I tuck into my pasta dish, sitting opposite the duo. They have an easiness to them and are quick to laugh. I find myself enjoying their company, barely registering the food going in my mouth.

"Are you two together?" I ask, after observing the two of them for a while.

They look at each other then burst out laughing. Take that as a no, then.

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