Chapter 6

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What is in the air?


Running away from someone.

Running for my life.

They're after me, my old masters. They know I'm human now and want to reclaim me.

I'd rather be dead than go back.

I keep running through the empty streets. Keeping ahead of the chasing shadow. They're toying with me. Allowing me to stay just ahead of them.

I will tire.

They will not.

A light form's up ahead. If I can make it there, I will be safe. The chasing shadows have finished toying with me and close the gap as I edge closer to safety. I just have to make it.

Almost there.

I can feel the shadows at my back.

I will make it.

I must make it.

As my foot slips over into the light, the feeling of safety envelopes me. It's like slipping into a nice warm bath. The shadows gone and forgotten as I look around at my surroundings. Everywhere is a white wash of lights. It's a warm and comfortable feeling.

Then there she is, with a smile that makes my bones turn to mush. Somehow, I manage to move my jelly legs towards her. We fall into each other's arms. Now this is the feeling of safety and contentment.

Here in Lola's arms.

We pull back and look into each other's eyes. Her blue eyes a glow with comforting energy, telling me everything will be okay. At the same time, we lean towards each other. Our lips straining to connect.

With a jolt, I suddenly open my eyes. Through the dim light I look up at the ceiling in my bedroom.

What the hell was that dream about? Did I really almost make out with Lola? No that can't be right. Scrubbing my hands over my face, I shake the confusing dream from my mind. Reaching out for the dream catcher that Lola gave me. Well you're sure having a different effect on my dreams than I expected. But making out with Lola. I must just be in need of a certain kind of physical contact. Yeah, that must be it. I need to get laid. Ha, fat chance of that happening anytime soon.

Been nearly two decades since I was last with someone intimately. A human man. My time with him was pleasant but it also made me decide not to have any future relationships. As a vampire that didn't bother me, but maybe now I'm human again my hormones are taking over. Gah, who would want to be a teenager.


The next day I'm talking to Matty before school. We're deep in conversation but I get this weird feeling like I'm being watched. Subtly I look around but it's just students going about their own day. I try to ignore it but it persists. Like someone standing just in your peripheral waiting for you to notice them. The frequency is increasing as well. A few times over the past week I've had this feeling of being watched. No wonder my dreams start like the one I had last night.

"Here's Lola." Matty says, bringing my attention back. I turn to face her and a goofy smile forms on my face.

What are you doing?

Catching myself, I cough and tone down my smile. My eyes shifting back and forth, not focusing on any one thing. The dream from last night comes slamming back to my forethoughts with little regard to anything else. I manage a nod when Lola greets me but suddenly I'm finding it hard to look at her without blushing.

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