Chapter 9

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Picnic at sunset

We pull up in the car amongst a lot of trees. Some sort of clearing that has a drop off not twenty yards in front of us. I turn and look at Lola with my eyebrows raised.

With an embarrassed smile she explains. "This is where I like to come and get away from everything. It's like my own private spot, don't think I've ever seen another person here before." She finishes before climbing out the car.

Following suit, I watch Lola open the trunk. "Is this the part where you pull out a shovel and bury me alive?" I ask with a slight joke to my tone.

She chuckles, "No, I dug the hole earlier." Popping her head around the car to grin evilly at me.


"Besides, it would be easier to just chuck you over the cliff. Less clean up."

"You know I started this but suddenly I'm afraid of how easy you're playing along."

With a shake of her head, she pulls something out of the trunk and closes it. Rounding the corner of the car I see a bag and blanket in her hands. "I thought we could have a picnic." She says with a slight blush.

A smile stretches over my face. She's so cute. I give her a peck on the check, "That sounds lovely." Earning me a smile in return.

We lay the blanket down together in front of the car, then get comfortable. Lola brings the food out of the bag. Burger and chips from our favourite restaurant, plus a strawberry cheesecake to share. We talk comfortably while we eat.

With Lola stuffing all the rubbish back into the bag, I stare out at the view over the cliff. Slowly the sky starts to change colour. "The sun's setting." I say out loud.

Lola looks up from closing her bag with a smile. "Thank god, I did time it right."

I look to her in shock. "A picnic at sunset?"

"Well, you did challenge me to make this date memorable."

"Actually, that was Matty. He's the one who said we should do something memorable for the one-month mark."

"Well did I do okay?"

I lean over to snuggle into her but also be able to watch the sun as it finishes it's decent behind the horizon. "Ehh, you did alright."

Putting her arms around me, I can feel her laughing. She kisses the top of my head and I've never felt so content in all my life. "I'm falling in love with you." Is whispered into my hair. Pulling back slightly I look straight in Lola's eyes as I tell her "I'm falling for you too."

We move in for the kiss at the same time, completely forgetting the sunset. I gain the upper ground and push Lola onto her back. The kissing changes in intensity, what started off as soft and loving becoming harder and needier.

My hands slowly move under Lola's top as my lips track down her neck. She squirms under me before placing her hands on my shoulders.

Taking the hint, I pull back.

"Everything okay?" I ask.

"Yeah, it's just ... I'm a ... I mean to say I haven't ... " she stumbles.

Propping myself on my elbow, I move a piece of hair away from her face. "Lola. Are you trying to say you're a virgin?"

Her breath hitches, she closes her eyes, nodding. "Yes." She breathes. "Have you ever ...?"

The honest answer is yes. I have had sex. My virginity, much like my first human life was taken from me. That was part of the reason I was taken in the first place. Fulfilling the twisted desires of the masters. It wasn't unusual while under compulsion to be summoned, nor was it unusual to be the only one summoned. I'd been with both men and women during those days. The first time I cried internally the whole time. That's when Connie Walker the human died. From then on it became about surviving. Over time I learnt how to switch off during those moments. Preferring to be tortured than play sexual games.

When I escaped and finally felt safe from my old masters, I tried to make some sort of life. Choosing to have the odd occasion with a man. By that point I was numb to the act of sex, it had no meaning to me. It took years before it became a pleasant experience for me but even then, something was always not right. I never connected with the men. They were simply an easy meal, not that they knew that part.

I think my upbringing was what led me to sleep with those men. It wasn't really attraction to the men more a matter that I assumed I should find some attraction to them. It didn't occur to me that women might offer more for my libido.

Yet with Lola it's different. I'm falling in love with her and want to be with her in every way. The longer we are together the more I crave being with her. I find myself envisioning all the things I did as a vampire but this time Lola's the one I'm doing them with. This time I'm doing it willingly.

"Yes, I have. Lola, it's fine if you're not ready. I don't want you to feel like you have to, to please me. Trust me on this, you only want to do it if you're ready."

"I want to, I'm just a little scared."

"I want too as well. How about this? We'll take things one step at a time, checking in with the other. If one of us wants to stop, we stop." I suggest getting a nod of approval from Lola. "I want you to feel safe with me."

"I trust you." She whispers. With that I pull my top off, leaving me in just my bra. Her eyes widen as she takes in my body, a goofy smile forming on her face. She's so cute. I can't resist any longer. Leaning back in, I kiss a trail along her jawline before she captures my mouth with hers. Her hands suddenly are not shy about roaming over my bare skin. Causing more goose bumps from her touch than the night air.

"Get my top off." Lola manages to get out. Who am I to not follow her commands? A minute later her top is in a pile next to mine. I watch her eyes as we touch skin to skin. The wonder and desire for more evidently building. Very much like my own.

The bras came off next, something Lola very much enjoyed. She's like a cartoon the way her eyes pop out her head. After Lola spends some time getting acquainted with my breasts, the pants joined the pile of clothes no longer on our bodies. The feel of Lola's hands on me, caressing me only made me want to rip my panties off quicker. She may be inexperienced but I was sure enjoying being her guinea pig. Plus, her body was amazing to worship. I knew she was fit from all her years learning martial arts but by god I didn't expect this. Her arms were strong with delicate curves and she had washboard abs. I very much enjoyed running my tongue over them.

Propping myself up on the one elbow again, I look Lola in the eyes. Both of us breathing heavy. Slowly I move my free hand down her body. Tracing over her curves before stopping at the elastic of her panties. My eye's asking her if she wants to continue.

She nods.

First, I trace one finger over her panties. She sucks in a breath and looks to the sky above. Moving her panties out the way my nerves kick in. I want to make this an enjoyable experience for her, while there were some girl-on-girl encounters with the masters, I haven't had this one-on-one experience before. Heck I haven't had any experience like this. It's not about the sex, it's about getting as close to her as I can.

Tentatively touching her sends tingle through my body and by the moan she gives I figure she's feeling it too. Memories of what to do start to come back, until I'm so lost in the moment with her everything becomes instinctual.

My soul's focus is on giving her pleasure yet my body reacts right along with her. Desperate kisses, heavy breathing and hands searching for any type of purchase.

I feel like I'm having sex for the first time. This is what it should be. Two people giving them whole selves to each other, not just looking for a quick release.

I pull her into a hug. Simply holding her as she comes down from her high. With her breathing returned to somewhat normal she starts to giggle in my arms. "Well, that was new." She says, causing me to laugh along with her.

A beat later and I find myself flat on my back with Lola hovering over me. "So hot." I breath and of course she hears me. It's like she has superhuman hearing. A smile stretching across her face. "My turn." She says, before moving herself into position.

Fucking hell, she can take as many turns as she wants.    

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