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[ Demon World ]

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[ Demon World ]

The world is divided into two parts, The demon World and The Angel World. Both worlds work with different powers. The Angel's has good magical powers and the demon has bad magical powers. Both the world holds the same power, where some use it for good and the other uses it for bad.

Demon World is the place where the Demons rules. Believe me, you never wanna go there once you go there then there is no turning back. Everyone from a child to aged people is dangerous. But the very dangerous person is non-other than the King, Jeon Won-hee. The king of the Demon World who have more Powers and is very powerful.

They love blood. They enjoy people dying, they love seeing fear in others' eyes. And King Won-hee is the powerful one but what about his child? He is the real Devil. The Powerful and a hundred percent more dangerous than the King, His father.

The Demon Kingdom was nervous and happy, cause today their queen Ji-Mia, the wife of the Demon King is gonna deliver the baby of the next king or queen to the Demon world. The next future of their world.

Not so soon the whole palace was Heard with the baby crying. "Welcome our Future KING" bowed the people, as King Won-hee brought his son, the next King of his Kingdom.

People wear happy to hear that the child is a boy. Their happiness didn't last long as one of their servants came toward the King and said, "The queen wants to speak with you, and looks like the queen won't be able to take the pain we have less time, King"

The king, Won-hee immediately rushed toward his wife Ji-Mia. She was there, laying in the huge royal bed looking weak. He gave his son to the maid and went toward his wife.

And sat down on his knees and took her hands with his "My s-on?" Ji-Mia said, immediately the maid went towards Ji-Mia and handed over the baby to her. She was admiring him with a lovely gaze.

 She was admiring him with a lovely gaze

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"Look... He looks like you doesn't he?", Queen Ji-Mia said in a weak voice. "Nah his is more like you dear," King Won-hee said. "What should we name him?" Ji-Mia asked.

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