Chapter 4

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They made it to Sunnyside, Andy's mom puts the box on the counter while being greeted by a worker and her young daughter name Bonnie

Then the worker brought box to the room called the Butterfly room and they saw kids playing, then the bell rang and they went outside for recess

"So now what do we do?" Hamm said

"We go back to Andy's" Woody suggested "anyone see an exit?"

"Exit, shmexit" Mr. Potato Head said "let's get played with"

"Careful, these toys might be jealous of new arrivals" Buzz said

"I wanna see" Rex begged and try to get the to the hole of the box "it's my turn"

Then he made the box fall down, made the box open and they wen out

The daycare toys saw them, the a jack in the box popped out and said "new toys"

They cheered and they greeted them, then a toy truck honk came and a toy truck came and it came a pink teddy bear

"Well hello there, I thought I heard new voices welcome to Sunnyside, folks. I'm Lots-o-Huggin Bear. But please, call me Lotso" Lotso introduced

"Buzz Lightyear, we come in.." Buzz said as he was about to shake his hand, Lotso hugged him

"First thing you gotta know about me, I'm a hugger" Losto chuckled and he lets Buzz go "oh, look at you all, you've been through a lot today, haven't ya?"

"Oh it's been horrible" Mrs. Potato Head said

"Well you're safe now, we're all castoffs here" Lotso said "we've been dumped, donated, yard saled, secondhanded and just plain thrown out but just you wait, you'll find being donated was the best thing ever happened to ya"

Woody scoffed

"Mr. Lotso, do toys here get played with every day?" Rex asked

"All day long! Five days a week" Lotso said

"But what happens when the kids grow up?" Jessie asked

"Well now, I'll tell ya" Lotso walks over to a wall with class photos from past years "when the kids get old, new ones come in. When they get old, new ones replace them. You'll never be outgrown, or neglected. Never abandoned or forgotten. No owners means - no heartbreak!"

"Yee-haw!" Jessie cheered

"It's a miracle!" Mrs. Potato Head said

"And you wanted us to stay at Andy's!" Mr. Potato Head said to Woody

"Because we're Andy's toys!" Woody said

"So you got donated by this "Andy", huh? Lotso saod as he walks up to Woody "well it's his loss, Sheriff. He can't hurt you no more"

"Whoa! Whoa, whoa whoa..." Woody said

"Now let's get you settled in" Lotso said "Ken? New toys!"

"Far out! Down in a jiff, Lotso" Ken said and goes down the elevator "so, who's ready for Ken's dream tour?"

"Let's show our new friends where they'll be staying!" Lotso requested

"Uh, folks, if you'll just want to step right this way..." he said and he sees Barbie "Hi, I'm Ken"

"Barbie. Have we ever met?" Barbie said

"I would have remembered" Ken said and she laughs

"Love your leg warmers!" Ken said

"Nice ascot!" Barbie

"Come on, Ken, recess don't last forever" Lotso said

"Right on, Lotso. This way everybody" Ken said

"Got a lot to look forward to, folks. The little ones love new toys" Lotso said

"What a nice bear!" Buzz said

"And he smells like strawberries" Grace said

"Ugh" Woody said

They were giving them tours around the room, they when Lotso knocks the bathroom door, someone opened and it was a baby doll

"Well thank you, Big Baby, why don't you come meet our new friends?" Lotso said "poor Baby, we were thrown out together, me and him, abandoned by the same owner. But we don't need owners at Sunnyside, we own ourselves, we're masters of our own fate, we control our own destiny"

Then Mr. Potato Head slipped and fell apart

"Oh, watch out for puddles" Lotso said as Grace giggles a little bit

"And here's where you folks will be staying" Lotso said as they entered the other room "the Caterpillar room" and they stared looking around

"How long's it been since you all got played with?" Lotso asked

"It's been years" Slinky answered

"Well, just you wait, in a few minutes, that bell's gonna ring and you'll get the playtime that you've been dreaming of"

"Play, real play, I can't wait" Rex excited

"Now, if you'll excuse us, we best heading back" Lotso said when he sat on the toy truck "welcome to Sunnyside, folks"

They thank him and Barbie said to Ken "will I ever see you again?"

"Oh, I'll see you tonight" Ken said "in my dreams"

"Ken, let's get a move on" Lotso said

"Barbie, come with me, live in my dreamhouse" Ken begged "I know it's crazy, I know we just met, heck you don't know me from G.I. Joe, but when I look at you I feel like we were.."

"Made for each other" Barbie and Ken said together, Jessie and Mrs. Potato Head encourage Barbie to accept his offer

They went on the truck and went back to the Butterfly room

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