Chapter 7

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As the garbage truck was coming, they quickly came down and ran to the top of the wall, then one of aliens got stuck, so Grace went to rescue it, she lifted up the lid, the alien got free and ran to the others

"C'mon Grace, hurry" Jessie said

As Grace was about to leave, Lotso grabbed her ankle and try to pull her into the dumpster

"GRACE" Woody shocked

Grace tried to hold on but then he pulled her in

Then the garbage truck came, it lifted the dumpster when they went to the dumpster, the lid was open but Grace fell in the truck and they also fell in

"Can you hear me, is everyone okay?" Woody asked

"Of course not, you imbecile, we're doomed" Mr. Potato Head

Woody saw Buzz glow, so he told everyone to go to Buzz, they did, making sure everyone is here, but then the next dumpster was, so Woody said when he picked up Grace, put her on his hip and ran "against the wall, everybody, quick"

Buzz went to find Jessie, he quickly found her and they ran as fast as they could

"They'll never make it" Hamm said

Buzz lifted Jessie up, then a old tv was about to land on top of them, so he threw her to them and he got crushed

"BUZZ" Jessie said, Woody puts Grace down, they all ran went to it, they lifted to tv and Woody said "anyone see him?"

"Over here guys, I found him" Grace said as she points at him

They pull him out, he was unconscious, Jessie tried to wake him but nothing so she cried

Then Buzz woke up, sniffed and looked at them looking shocked

"That wasn't me, was it?" He asked

"Buzz, you're back!" Jessie hugged and everyone was relieved

"Yes, I'm back. Where have I been?" Buzz confused

"Beyond infinity, Space Ranger" Woody said

"Woody! So where are we now?" Buzz asked

"In the garbage truck on the way to the dump" Rex said

Then the truck let go of the garbage out

"Hold on, we're going in" Woody said, when they fell of the truck, they got up, looked around, then the aliens noticed the claw, was about to go to it but Woody kept telling them to stop, but the other truck scooped them with the other garbage. Then the other truck came and scooped them in and they went down to a hole

"Woody, what do we do?" Grace scared

"We'll be okay, if we stay..." Woody said then Slinky flew up, as they ran to Slinky, it was a magnet so they ran and watch out for metal stuff, he told them to look up ahead, they saw that something that will shred them into pieces so Buzz suggested that someone grab something metal and they did. Then Lotso appeared, begging to help, Woody thought and he jumped down, same for Buzz

"Woody, Buzz what are you doing?" Grace said

They got Lotso out, they flew up with a metal pole and made it, Woody noticed that everyone was gone, but they look down, saw them, so they jumped down, Rex noticed the light and said "Woody, look I can see daylight, we're gonna be okay"

But when Grace noticed the light, she got scared and said "um Rex, I don't think that's daylight"

They realized that it the incinerator, Woody yelled "RUN" and they ran back as fast as they can, Lotso noticed the button to stop the machine but he needed help to get the ladder, no Woody helped him, told him to push the button, Lotso went up the ladder, made it to the top and Woody kept telling him to push the button, but Lotso grinned at them

"Where's your kid now, Sheriff?" Lotso said and leaves

Then they fell into the incinerator, they tried to climb up, put the machine went too fast, so they're trapped

"Buzz! What do we do?" Jessie panicked

Buzz takes hold of Jessie's hand, everyone held hands, they shut their eyes, as they were about to be burned, the giant claw came, it was the 3 aliens controlling it, they scooped them up, took them outside and they let them go

"You know all that bad stuff I said about Andy's attic" Mr. Potato Head said "I take it all back"

"You're darn tootin'" Slinky said

"You said it" Hamm said "hey, where's that fur-ball Lotso?" Hamm said

"Yeah, I'd like to loosen his stitching" Slinky said

"Forget it, guys. He's not worth it" Woody said

"Come on. Woody" Jessie said "we gotta get you home"

"That's right, college boy" Buzz said

"Wait" Woody said and they stopped "what about you guys? I mean, maybe the attic's not such a great idea"

"We're Andy's toys, Woody" Jessie said

"We'll be there for him, together" Buzz said and him and Jessie held hands

"I just hope he hasn't left yet" Woody said

"Wait a minute, wait I'll check" Mrs. Potato Head and she shut her eye too see her other eye "Andy's still packing, but he's almost done"

"He lives halfway across town" Hamm said

"We'll never get there in time" Rex said

Then they saw a same garbage truck that comes to Andy's house and so they got an idea

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