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[Jasper moans in pain]

Monty looked at the screen in worry.

Clarke:    "His pulse is three eighty."

[Jasper continues moaning]
[Camp starts to grow restless as Jasper continues moaning]

Delinquent:     "Go back to sleep!"

Delinquent:    "Quiet!"

Clarke:    "Don't listen to them. You're gonna make it through this, okay? Promise."

Delinquent:     "Can he just die already?"

"Well aren't you all supportive" Lincoln deadpan.

Clarke:    "I'm gonna get clean water. Keep an eye on him."

[Jasper continues moaning]

Scene Change – Outside of the dropship

[Jasper continues moaning]
[Clarke hears a girl screaming and goes to find her]

Charlotte:    "No! No! No!"

[Clarke approaches girl and gently tries to wake her]

Clarke:    "Hey, wake up. It's okay. It's okay. It's just a dream. You're Charlotte, right? I'm Clarke. It's okay to be scared. Do you want to talk about it?"

Charlotte:    "It's... my parents. They were floated and they... and I see it in my dreams and I just..."

Clarke:    "I understand. My dad was floated, too. So, how did you end up here?"

Charlotte:    "Well... we were taking my parents' things to the redistribution center and... I kind of lost it. They said I assaulted a guard."

"I don't even know what to say to all this stupidity anymore" Indra said.

"Yeahh" Clarke drag the world.

Clarke:    "I can't say I blame you. See that bright star up there? That's The Ark orbiting above us. I think whatever happened up there, you know, the pain... maybe we can move past that now. Maybe being on the ground is our second chance."

Charlotte:    "Do you really believe that?"

Clarke:    "I'm trying to."

[Clarke holds Charlotte close and tries to comfort her; Clarke stares up at the Ark]

Lexa gives clarke a look of admiration at his good she is with kids.

Scene Change – In the woods at night

Trina:    "I think this is north. Come on."

Pascal:    "Really? Because we just came from that way, Miss I-Can-Navigate-With-The-Stars."

Trina:    "It's your fault we've been lost for two days. Never should've gone off by ourselves."

Pascal:    "Come on. We'll find the dropship tomorrow."

Indra just stare at the screen blankly she really don't know what to say anymore, this is just to much stupidity.

Trina:    "That's what you said last night. And I'm hungry."

Pascal:    "Trina, relax. We're fine."

Trina:    "Did you feel that?"

[The two turn and see a large yellow fog coming at them]

"What the hell is that" Octivia screech.

"Acid fog" Lexa said.

"Acid what" Octivia screech again but this time she only got a blank stare that creep her out so she quieted herself down.

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