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Jackson:   Abby, we have to stop. The council vote's in thirty minutes.

Abby:  Then we have thirty minutes. Anything from engineering?

Jackson:  Nothing good. According to Sinclair, even if we sent a signal down, the wristbands weren't designed to receive, so the kids wouldn't even hear it.

Abby:   There's got to be something we missed, something that we haven't thought of.


Jackson:  Great. What's falling apart now?

Abby Hey! Hey! Apparently you have a thing for air ducts.

"Really Raven... really" clarke asks in a deadpan voice and Raven smile awkwardly at her.

Jackson:  I'll call security.

Raven:  They're not dying.

Abby:  What are you talking about?

Raven:  All that's being sent from the ground? Transmitted by these. They're taking them off.

Jackson:  What? Why would they do something so reckless?

Abby Because we told them not to.

[Distant, overlapping chatter]

Octavia :  Hello, beautiful. Hey, where are you going? [Giggles] [Octavia giggles] It's okay. We've got nothing but time.

Unknown to octivia Lincoln look at her in awe of her beauty.

Murphy:  Hey, how do we know this is the right way?

Bellamy:   We don't. Spacewalker thinks he's a tracker.

Wells:  It's called cutting sign. Fourth-year earth skills. He's good.

Finn:  You want to keep it down or should I paint a target on your backs?

Bellamy:  See? You're invisible.

Jasper: [Distant moan]

Murphy:  What the hell was that?

Clarke:  Now would be a good time to take out that gun.

Jasper: [Low moaning]

Clarke:  Jasper. Oh, my God.

Finn:  Clarke, be careful.

Clarke:  Jasper? What the hell is this?

Lexa quickly took clarke Hand I'm her's without noticing, clarke squeeze her hand in assurance.

Finn:  Clarke! Get her up! Pull her up! Pull her up! Get her! Pull her up! You okay?

Clarke:  Yeah. [Panting] We need to get him down.

Finn:  I'll climb up there and cut the vines.

Wells:  Yeah, yeah, I'm with you.

Finn:  No. Stay with Clarke. And watch him. You. Let's go.

Clarke:  There's a poultice on his wound.

Wells:  Medicine? Why would they save his life just to string him up as live bait?

Bellamy:  Maybe what they're trying to catch likes its dinner to be breathing.

Finn:  Maybe what they're trying to catch is us.

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