Part 4: Lost Friendships, The Massacre, Sasuke's Resolve, and Sparring

Start from the beginning

"Yes Kakashi, I am fully aware of the risk I am taking. But I will do it without hesitation if it means protecting Konoha, my family, and Sasuke from them."

"Good. Meet me at the gates tonight. Then we will leave for the mission." Obito told Itachi.

Unfortunately for them, there was another person listening in. "Hmmm... So Itachi leaves the village tonight. This will be the perfect opportunity for me to add to my collection. I already have Shisui Uchiha's eye, so I can influence the actions of the elders and bend them to my will. I need to make more weapons on my side if I want Konoha to bend their will to me."

Danzo Shimura was a ruthless man who would stop at no lengths to get what he wanted, even if it was killing a whole clan to gain their dojutsus. He was the one who made Mira the 5-tails jinchuriki when she was a child, and he was the one who leaked the information about Naruto being the 9-tails jinchuriki in hopes that the villagers turning on him would get him to join his foundation, and make him into a weapon for his future revolution against Konoha. He was pissed that he was passed over for Hokage at every turn. First by his sensei for choosing Hiruzen Sarutobi as the third hokage, then at his friend for choosing Minato Namikaze as the fourth hokage, and now at Konoha for electing Obito Uchiha as the fifth hokage over Danzo. As such, Danzo did everything to ensure that Obito's reign would be marked with tragedy for them to side with him during his revolution. But before he could revolt, he needed to take care of the most loyal clan to the 5th hokage, the Uchiha clan.

He now had the perfect scapegoat to blame the massacre of the clan on. Itachi Uchiha, the clan's prodigy, and Konoha's most loyal Uchiha. He called some of his Anbu to try and frame the coup d'état that Danzo was planning on the Uchiha clan. They made fake copies of their coup plans and changed the names such that it made Fugaku Uchiha, or Sasuke and Itachi's father, the perpetrator of the coup. He brought the fake plans to the elder meeting.

"Lord Hokage, while I was monitoring the Uchiha clan, I found plans for a coup in their hideout." Danzo lied.

"Impossible. I head to their compound every day, if there were plans for a coup, I surely would have seen it." Obito was immediately calling Danzo out on his bullshit, but Danzo was not having it.

"Listen to me Lord Hokage, the Uchiha are planning to betray the village. We must kill them for the sake of Konoha."

"No. I will talk to the clan, try and see if your accusations are valid. If they are, then we will see how to proceed."

"Talking to them won't change a thing. How will we know if they're lying or not? Uchihas are well known liars." Danzo protested.

"How do I know YOU'RE not lying to frame the Uchiha clan?" Obito questioned.

"I think you need to rethink your alliances. Because I always have Konoha's best interests in mind. We need to kill the clan before their plan comes to fruition." Danzo tried to justify his claims.

"No. We will not be killing a clan. That's final. The Uchiha have the most loyalty to the village. I can attest to that myself. Ever since the reign of the second hokage, the Uchiha have felt marginalized and unimportant to the village. When I became hokage, my first order was to give the Uchiha a more prominent role in the village, so I don't think they're planning a coup, and I think you're lying." Obito accused. "One more lie out of you and I will personally banish you from the village. The elders do not have the power here as I passed a decree stating that in interests pertaining to the village and its safety, the hokage can overrule the decisions of any elder, so don't try to kotoamatsukami them into believing what you say, scum. Kotoamatsukami won't work on me either as I am an Uchiha with the most powerful mangekyo."

"Tch." Danzo left the office, now knowing what he needed to do to enact his revolution. He needed the Konoha population on his side, but before that, he needed to assassinate Obito. He needed to kill the current hokage and blame it on the Uchiha revolution. He knew the risk he was about to take. Attempting the assassination of the hokage would mean banishment from Konoha at best, but that was a risk he was willing to take.

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