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well, the rat is dead

Hermione meant well, Harry knew that, but he was still angry with her.

The best broom in existence had been his, but because of her, it was only for a few hours.

Ron seemed more infuriated than Harry. He thought that Hermione deserved jail time for running off to Professor McGonagall.

And Y/N was stuck in the middle.

Sure, she thought Hermione pulled a shitty move, but she couldn't just abandon her.

But she couldn't leave the boys either, otherwise she'd be shut out by them like Hermione was.

It's times like these she wishes that she still went to that god awful muggle school.

"Still looks ill, doesn't he?" said Ron, as they walked out of the Defence Against the Dark Arts classroom. "What d'you reckon's the matter with him?"

There was a loud and impatient 'tuh' from behind him. It was Hermione and Y/N, but he knew it wasn't Y/N who made that sound.

"And what are you tutting at us for?" said Ron.

"Nothing," said Hermione, as Y/N rolled her eyes, knowing where the conversation was going to go.

"Yes, you were," said Ron. "I said I wonder what's wrong with Lupin, and you-"

"Well, isn't it obvious?" said Hermione, with a look of superiority.

"If you don't want to tell us, don't," snapped Ron.

"Fine," said Hermione, as she marched off.

Y/N was tired of her friend group acting so pathetic. She was going to put a stop to it if it's the last thing she does.

She followed after Hermione and said to her, "Mione, I love you. Really, I do. But you've got to stop acting so petty. It's gonna get you nowhere."

Hermione looked slightly offended by what Y/N said. "Petty? You think that I'm acting petty? Ronald's the one acting-"

"You're both being pathetic!" said Y/N. "Just go make up with him, it's tiring!"

"I'm not going to apologise for being right!" said Hermione.

"See, you're being petty. How do you know you're right?"

"Because I always am."

"There's gonna come a time where your judgements are wrong," said Y/N. "And it's gonna affect your relationships with people."

"No, it's not."
"Yes, it will."

"Look, I don't want to continue this conversation any longer, ok?" said Hermione.

"Don't think that I'm not going to bring it up again because I will," said Y/N.

"Knowing you, you'll just forget about it until 4 in the morning next month."


A few weeks had gone by and Y/N noticed that Harry was leaving the common room a lot more often than usual in the evenings, and she was beginning to grow suspicious.

On one of these nights, Y/N stayed in the common room in the dark- you know, for dramatic effect.

At around half-past 10, Harry entered through the portrait hole.

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⏰ Letzte Aktualisierung: Sep 03, 2022 ⏰

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