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the weasley's flying car


Harry and Y/N were in big trouble. Harry was locked in his bedroom with bars on his window and after Y/N was given a lecture on hanging out with 'Satan worshippers like the Potter boy,' she was also locked in her room.

They still found a way to communicate though.

Even though they couldn't pass each other notes by throwing them through the window, they could still hold them up to the windows since both of their bedrooms faced each other. Though with Harry's eyesight, he struggled just a slight bit.

One day, Y/N had a note on the window;

Got an escape plan?

Harry quickly wrote back;

Not unless you know how to break bars off a window

They had spent the past few weeks writing notes about this topic, what was a few more?


It was either very late at night, or way too early in the morning when Harry and Y/N woke up to what looked like headlights outside of their windows.

They both wrote a note to each other, both notes saying;

You see that too right? I haven't gone crazy?

The lights came closer to their bedrooms, mostly Harry's, and they could see the silhouette of a car. And inside that car, were three boys with flaming red hair.

"Hiya Harry!" It was none other than Ron Weasley and two of his brothers, Fred and George.

"Ron, Fred, George," Harry said. "What are you all doing here?"

"Rescuing you and Y/N of course," George said.

"Rescuing? One second." Harry grabbed a sheet of paper to show Y/N, on it read;

Ron and the twins are here to rescue us. You're coming to Hogwarts! Get your things

Y/N wasted no time running around her room as quietly as she could getting non-magical things she'd might need for Hogwarts.

Meanwhile, Harry was getting his trunk ready while Ron and George were trying to pull Harry's bars off with the car.

They pulled them off successfully, but not without waking the Dursleys.

The Dursleys were coming down the hallway and fiddling with all the locks on the door.

Harry was moving his trunk and Hedwig's cage into the car but was caught by Uncle Vernon when he tried to move himself to the car.

"You're not going anywhere!" Uncle Vernon had a grasp on Harry's ankle while Harry tried to kick him away. "Get off of me!"


Fred pressed down on the accelerator and Uncle Vernon fell out of the window.

They reversed the car back to Y/N's house but not near enough since Aunt Petunia and Dudley were still trying to reach Harry.

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