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The four of us sat around one of the tables in the corner. Alex, Mabel and Chris exchanged looks of concern. Chris had called my two best friends after my small breakdown about 30 minutes ago, calling an 'intervention' as such. But this wasn't one of the jokey interventions that were portrayed on How I Met Your Mother, this was an intervention to get me away from Max. Part of me was in denial. I knew he had a temper on him, I knew he could be abusive. But he could also be loving and kind. However the way the three people who cared for me looked at me, made reality hit like a truck. At first it was silent, none of us wanting to break the silence and actually make this real.

Mabel reached a hand over to take mine, "We are going to get you out of there" she said, assuring me. I could feel my hand trembling in the grasp of hers.

"Do you think you would be able to go to the police? and you know tell them what's going on?" Alex suggested. I shook my head vigorously. Going to the police would make matters worse. If I went to the police, I would never be able to live a happy life, he would find me and he would be really fucking mad.

"Why not?" Mabel questioned

"He would kill me" I whispered, sounding barely audible but the three people who sat at the table heard me, they exchanged glances.

"Okay. When is he away next?" Chris asked.

I thought for a moment for replying, "Erm next week actually, he's away for two nights I think".

"Are you going to be okay for the next week?" Mabel asked, her brows furrowed with concern.

"I've put up with him for five years I think I can do another week" I smiled weakly.

"I'm so sorry we didn't notice it sooner baby" Mabel stroked her thumb over mine.

"It's not your fault" I reassured her, giving her a small smile. I glanced at Chris who looked both angry and scared.

"I'll be fine" I assured him, reaching over and taking his hand in mine. He pulled my hand up to his lips, placing a small kiss on my knuckles.

The next twenty minutes consisted of the three of them conjuring a plan of action. I knew its not something I should find sweet but I did, it felt nice to have people be concerned for me. Every once and a while on of them would ask my a question to which I would reply with a brief answer.

We bid our farewells and Mabel insisted on driving me back to my apartment block. I begged her to park around the corner so that Max wouldn't see her car, a wave of relief washed over me when she agreed. That relief was short lived when it was time to get out of the car. I trudged up the stairs to the dreaded apartment, each step felt like eternity but I faced the big brown door a lot quicker than I wanted to. I exhaled a shaky breath before taking my keys out of my bag and pushing them into the lock. I turned it slightly, not wanting to be too loud and disturb Max.

Once I was finally in the apartment, it felt like my lungs were restricted of oxygen, my heart pounded as my eyes darted around the living room to try and spot his tall frame. Once I realised he wasn't there, I let out another shaky breath. "Where were you?" A questioning voice interrupted my momentary peace.

"Closing up took longer that I expected, sorry I should of called" I spoke through gritted teeth, trying desperately to make the lie seem like the truth.

"Yeah you should of, you know how worried a get about you" Max stated, I turned my stiff body around to face the terrifying man who stood to the right of me.

"I know, I'm sorry" I apologised again.

"You know I really hate it when you lie to me" he grimaced a smug smile and my heart dropped. I opened my mouth to begin to speak before I was cut off, "I saw Mabel's car drive off"

"She just came by to the Café and asked to talk but I said no and she insisted on driving me home and I didn't want to walk in the dark" I rambled on, my words escaping my mouth in a rushed manner. He gripped onto my arm harshly and my mouth instantly shut.

"I think you're lying again sweetheart" he grinned sinisterly, I shook my head vigorously and tried to pull my arm from his suffocating grip. "I just want what's best for you" he tilted his head, he began to get closer and took my by surprise when he pulled me in for a hug. I felt stiff in is embrace. I don't know what happened or why it happened, but I saw red. I saw red and the constant torment this man inflicted upon my life replayed over in my head. With one swift movement, I brought my knee up to his groin harshly. A low guttural groan of pain escaped his lips and I was able to release myself from his embrace as fell to the floor, cupping the pain I caused. I took this to my advantage and brought my boot up to his face, kicking him hardly in the nose. He fell back, his head hitting the floor. My eyes widened at the sight. I paused for a couple of seconds before my fight or flight was triggered. I had fought him. The man that was physically bigger and stronger than me laid on the floor groaning in pain. I quickly rushed away from him to the bedroom, not knowing how long it was going to be before he got up and got angry. I grabbed a carry on bag, shoving any clothes of mine I could see into it. I grabbed my phone charger and also shoving it inside the bag. His agonizing yells echoed through the halls of the apartment as I made my way back to the front door to escape. What I didn't notice is the fact he got up. He got up, his expression blank but terrifying. He tilted his head at me and let out a small taunting chuckle. My heart thudded in my chest as I hadn't anticipated what I was going to do if he got back up. I made a leeway for the kitchen, his heavy trenching footsteps followed me, matching the pace that my heart was racing at. In that moment I did all I could think of, I grabbed a knife out of the knife block and turned to face the man that was two steps behind me.

His eyes widened and he instantly held his hands up, letting out another taunting chuckle. "Don't get any closer" I warned, waving the knife around in my shaking hand.

"But sweetheart, I love you" he tilted his head, giving me puppy dog eyes, "Just put the knife down sweetie and we can sort this out"

"No. I'm done. I am done with you, with this, with the fucking abuse!" I cried out, "I hate you. In fact I despise you. I despise your existence. But I'm done now. It's over."

"Oh baby, It's never gonna be over" he smiled, exhaling a patronising laugh. "Your mine." he stated, taking a step forward as I took a step back. "You're not going to hurt me because you love me to. You are just confused because your silly little friends have got in your head"

"Get the fuck away from me or I swear to god I will kill you! I'm done Max" I watched as his face dropped and turned into an expression of anger. He lunged forward towards me. I took the knife that was in my hand, feeling a surge of power rush through my veins as I pressed it firmly into his groin. He made eye contact with me, his eyes flickered between his knife wound and my eyes before letting out a shriek. I took this moment to my advantage and pushed him out of the way, running to the door, I picked up the bag and shut the door behind me. A tear of relief escaped my eye as I ran down the stairs. I was no longer trapped in the suffocating, abusive relationship. I was free.

I made it out to the street and pulled my phone from my back pocket and flicked through my contacts, pressing call and holding it to my ear. It rung twice before the line picked up.

"I'm gonna need you to come pick me up" I stated, smiling to myself.

"Okay I'm on my way" Chris spoke, I could hear the jingle of keys in the background.

"I'll send you my location" I told him before hanging up. And for the first time in a while, a smile broke out on my face. A real genuine smile.

~A round of applause for Lily please. I have been so excited to write this chapter for forever. I just want to come on here and say that if any one is suffering from domestic abuse 0808 2000 247 is the free national domestic abuse helpline.

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