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Sorry about the slow updates, I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and Happy New Year my loves xx


It was half time and the Patriots were winning much to my displeasure. And Chris took every chance he could to rub it in my face. As soon as it reached half time we made a bet. "Christopher!" I slurred, the constant alcohol that was being supplied to me finally hit, and it hit hard. "If the Giants win, you have to wear this jersey for one whole day.."

"But-" Chris cut in, smirking to himself, "If the Patriots win, you have to wear this jersey" he pointed to the top covering him, smiling deviously, "and nothing else". I shot him a glare considering it.

"I'm changing it then, you have to wear a Giants jersey and nothing else if we win" I narrowed my eyes at him, feeling satisfied with my deal.

"You, my pretty girl, have a deal" he grinned and stuck his hand out. I gladly accepted it and we shook hands, our touch lingering a little longer than it should of.

"Your on Evans!" I replied. Half time was soon over and the rest of the party was beginning to lose interest but me and Evans were edged forward on the sofa. Our hands clutched together as the second half was coming to a finish. We were awaiting either time to finish the winning touchdown, and just before the game finished the Giants managed to score a touchdown. I leaped up from my seat and began jumping up and down, whilst Chris had his head in his hands. "You know what that means Mr Evans" I chuckled. I grabbed his hand and pulled him off the sofa, he let out a frustrated groan while I clapped my hands together excitedly.

Once we were in his bedroom I slipped the oversized giants jersey over my head, thanking my lucky stars that I had a white t-shirt underneath and handed it to Chris, who rolled his eyes. He pulled his jersey over his head and my breath hitched at the sight. I hadn't expected him to strip in front of me. My eyes raked over his toned abs, his muscular chest and my imagination got the better of me when I laid my eyes on his v-line. I managed to drag my eyes up to his face and watched as a smug smirk grew on his face. "Like what you see?" he asked patronizingly, raising his brow as he did so. I could feel the heat rush to my cheeks and I shook my head, turning my back to him. He coughed signalling that I could turn back around. I took the sight in of him wearing a giants jersey and sighed out of satisfaction. I began to protest as I saw his boxers peeping under the jersey and he cut me off, "As much as I'm sure you wanna see my dick, I don't think the rest of the party do" he quipped, leaving me speechless as he walked out the room.

I managed to compose myself from my flushed state before following him out into the living room where the rest sat. Scott clapped his hands together and chuckled loudly while the rest of his friends booed him.

The rest of the night consisted of binge drinking, beer pong and god awful dancing. When people started to depart, we began to say our goodbyes. I wrapped my arms around Scott, who in our drunk state we grew very close. "Bye Scotty!" I slurred, wobbling slightly as I let go of him. I stumbled over to Chris to thank him when I tripped. Luckily before I hit the floor Chris swooped in and grabbed me.

"Steady pretty girl" he flirted, making me blush profusely out of embarrassment.

"Hey buddy! I'm a taken woman, you can't be calling me that" I held a drunken finger to him and he chuckled. "Thanks for tonight, I had soooo much fun"

"Your welcome pretty girl" he smirked, he pulled me into a hug and kissed the top of my hair. Once I realised what he had done I pulled away, staring up at him, giving a warning look.

"You can't do that if you wanna be my friend" I told him. Before Chris could reply, Mabel came over and collected me, helping me to the car.

The journey home was hazey, but when I unlocked my apartment door I was greeted with a heavy hand gripping onto my arm. That part of the night I most definitely remembered.

~ I'm not going to lie, I have no clue about American football so I apologise if I got anything wrong or offended any major American football fans. I also just wanted to add in that I will try and avoid any explicit domestic abuse content and tiptoe around the idea, hinting at it when I can. But if I do include any explicit violence then I will put a trigger warning before the chapter and will give a brief summary of the chapter for those who choose to skip it.

Keep commenting, I love reading your guys comments and message me about how your enjoying the book or any suggestions you may have, I'm always open to hearing new things!

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