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Adding the finishing touches of my make up, I looked into the mirror feeling satisfied with how I looked. Today was the day I returned to work after my two week absence. Thankfully my employees was understanding that I was very 'ill' and couldn't come in so I was able to leave the café in the hands of the assistant manager. The bruising that had previously covered my body was now fading to the point that you could only see it if you stared at my face. I brushed down the crinkles in my jeans and popped my shoes on before heading out the door.

I had hardly spoken to Chris this past week, a few texts of small talk were exchanged. He informed me that he was flying over to LA for a couple of auditions so he would be gone for the remainder of the week. As soon as my bruises were faded enough that I could apply makeup over them, I reached out to Mabel and Alex. At first they were angry at me due to me ignoring them, but I explained that I was really ill and couldn't charge my phone and they softened.

Once I got to the coffee shop, I greeted a few of the regulars on my way over to the counter where I tied my apron around my waist and began serving them. Amy Winehouse played softly in the background as I swayed my hips whilst making coffee. "You look much better" I hear a familiar voice speak from behind me.

"Hi!" I squealed as I rushed around the counter to Mabel. She returned my enthusiasm and pulled me into a hug.

"I've missed you bitch" she commented.

"My turn! My turn!" Alex chirps in from behind her. Once I'd let go of Mabel, I was instantly pulled into a hug by Alex.

"I missed you guys" I managed to get out with great struggle as Alex was squeezing me too hard.

"We missed you" Alex replied before finally letting me go so I could breathe.

"What can I get you guys?" I asked before making my way back around the counter. They gave me their orders and took there usual seat by the counter so I could still talk to them in between serving customers.

As the day carried on, the busier it got. I even had a visit from Scott, Chris's brother. He had become good friends with Mabel and Alex when we all went to Chris's for the game. I was a little preoccupied to speak to him properly but I still liked him. Once I'd handed him his order, he sat down at the table with Mabel and Alex to continue the conversation.

I felt completely exhausted after I closed up for the night and headed home. Finally once I got home I found Max sat at the kitchen table with various books dotted around him. I walked up behind him and pressed a kiss to his cheek, bending down to wrap my arms around his shoulders. "What you doing?" I scanned over the books in front of him, noticing all the weddingish pictures inside them.

"Just getting ideas" he answered, patting my arm to get me off him. I stepped back and walked over to the fridge to get out things for dinner that night.

"What kinda idea's?" I questioned.

"Venue's, dates, that kinda thing" he shrugged.

The rest of the night continued to be pretty average, we ate dinner, watched a movie, went to bed.

~hi bubs, im sorry these past two chapters have been short and a bit boring but please bare with me, I have some very exciting chapters coming up!~

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