"You know..." I call from the sink, "I might actually go to the dance with Jake." I tell him and he glares at me. He knows it's a joke, but making him jealous is really fun. "You know..." he starts in the same tone as, I, but menacingly, "I just might strangle you." He finishes, taking a bite of the apple. "Ooh, kinky." I tease and he chokes. "This isn't 50 shades of grey." Bellamy calls, once he's recovered. "I know, but Im '50 shades of fucked up.'" I announce dramatically, quoting the film. "Yes, and I'm desperately in love with someone who tortures people for fun." he calls sarcastically and I scoff. "You kinda are though." I break it  to him and he lets out a laugh. I didn't do that sexual torture bullshit, I killed people... there's a difference. "50 shades of Murphy..." Bellamy says to himself and I chuckle, washing my hands, and drying them on the tea towel. 

"You're a good housewife, you know that?" he coos as I walk over, taking a seat across from him. "And you're a pain in my ass." I hiss back. "That's not what you said last night..." he mumbles to himself and I groan at him. "Have we even been on a real date yet? And I mean one where assault, disowning and murder wasn't involved." I ask and he takes in and exhales a big breath thinking. "I don't think so." he replies shrugging. "Well then, Bellamy Blake, would you like to go on a date to the movies with me tonight?" I ask and he grins. "I just have to ask my parents." he says. He calls his parents in from the living room. "Can I go on a date tonight?" he asks, like he was still 15 or 16 years old. They look at him like he's stupid. "With... with him?" Jason asks, confused pointing lazily to me. "Yes." Bellamy replies. "Well... I mean, yeah..." Susan replies like it's fairly obvious. "Great! pick me up at 8." he says with a wink and leaves the table. "What was that? He knows you live here, right?" Jason asks me quietly, and I shrug. "Who knows?" I retort.

At 8, I run down and out of the house stopping at the end of the pathway. I turn on my heals and walk back to the house, and ring the doorbell. "Murphy, what are you doing?" Susan asks exhausted, and I grin. "I'm here to pick Bellamy up to go to the movies." she groans in frustration. "Bellamy, there's a boy here for you." she calls and I see him come down the stairs. "Mom, you're embarrassing me. Stop it." he whines. "Whatever." she says, rolling her eyes. "Is there a certain time you'd like us home by?" I ask her and she narrows her eyes at me. "I don't know, like 11?" she tells us. We'd never ask her shit like this when we'd go places, so she was annoyed right now. "Bye then!" Bellamy says to his mother who rolls her eyes. 

"So, how are you?" I ask as we walk down to the cinema. "Very good, you?" he asks, "Very good." I chuckle. We walk for a few more feet, when he tries to kiss me. "Ah, ah. I don't kiss on the first date." I tell him with a wink and he makes an array of whines.I snicker.

We get to the movies, and I pay for the both of us. We were going to see It Follows which was a new horror film. Usually, I'd just bring shit from home, cause movie snacks are expensive as fuck, but I wanted to make this extra special so I buy us stuff. 

We take our seat and the movie starts, and halfway through, Bell, sneakily puts his arms around me and I lean in, blushing. 

The movie isn't horrifying, but it's enough to make me jolt once and a while, making Bellamy laugh. It was about these teens who sleep together for the first time, and then there's a possession element or something...

 It sounded weird, since Bellamy and I have been together for a while now, but I still feel that flutter in my stomach whenever I am around him, and he has a way of making me smile, that can't be done by anyone or anything else. 

When the credits roll, I get up and stretch. We walk back in a comfortable silence, hand in hand. When we reach the porch, I don't hesitate to kiss him, even though I told him I wouldn't but it was weird in the best possible way. It felt like our first kiss, and I could tell he felt that way too. "Wow." he whispers when we pull away and I smile, blushing, looking to my feet. "I thought you said you didn't kiss on the first date." he asks. "I had a great time." I tell him, grinning ignoring the question and he nods. "Me too." he says, and we walk in the house together. 

"How was your time?" Bellamy's mother asks, her and Jason sit on the couch reading. "It was nice." he tells them, smiling. "That's good." Jason says, not looking up from his book. "I think I'm gonna ask Bellamy to be my boyfriend." I tell them giggling, and they both look up at us, unamused. "Just... go to bed." Susan tells us with her hand, annoyed at my bullshit. We laugh and obey. 

"Holy, fuck." I say, two hours later, in Bellamy's room. We were both laying down, on our individual laptop, and I sit up straight when I see the image. "What?" Bell asks, not looking away from his. I study the disturbing picture for a few moments. When I don't answer him, he looks for himself and has the same reaction. "How sick is this guy?" he says in disgust. 

Yesterday night, Bellamy had taken a picture of us making out, and had sent it to Jake to make him jealous. Jake had taken the photo, and had expertly photoshopped himself in, to replace Bellamy. He posted it on Instagram. "What do I do?" I ask him in panic and he looks at me shrugging nervously. "Shit..." I tell him, looking at the comments it had received. Them ranging from Who is he? to Murphy and Bellamy broke up?!? 

I sigh and post the real one, captioning, This is the real picture. Bellamy and I are not broken up. #fuckyoujake I shut my phone off, then close my laptop, moving closer to Bellamy to see what he's doing. "You're on Tumblr way to much." I comment as he continuously scrolls. "Oh, please. You spend just as much time on it as I do." he scoffs at me and I giggle into his chest at the fact. "Did you finish the algebra?" I asks him a while later. I had be staring at the screen, and when he stops scrolling. "Shit." He mumbles. "I'll do it tomorrow." he pushes it off, "Well tomorrow's Monday and you have it first." I point out and I look up at him. "No... tomorrow's Sunday." he argues and I show him the date on my phone. "Fuck." he says to himself. "I did it. It's in my bag if you wanna copy, I motion to my bag with my head. "You're a life savour." he lets out giving me a quick kiss, and goes to do his homework. 

"Almost done?" I coo, and he nods. "Two left." he sighs and I look over to the clock that reads, "1:00 A.M." I sigh and shut the laptop. "I'm going to sleep now." I announce and he nods. I turn over and about ten minutes later, I feel the bed shift, knowing that it's Bellamy. He wraps his arms around me, and I position myself so that I'm comfortable. "Thanks for tonight." he whispers and I turn over to face him, smiling. "You're very welcome." I answer, with a bit more seductiveness than I had intended. He smirks and closes the already small gap between us. I feel him grab my ass and I grin. "On a Sunday night?" I ask, deviously and he snickers. "Why not?" he asks and I go along with his plan. "Woah." Bellamy breaths out with I slip my hand down his pyjama pants. I bit my lip. We should have gone to bed, but this was much, much, better.

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