(Tallmity) To be in a photograph

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"Argh! Put that scroll away from me!"

Amity hates seeing herself in a photo. 

It's not that she is not confident with her appearance. It's just...is that a crooked smile, ew! She looks not that bad in the mirror and in her own consciousness about herself, but she doesn't know why every time someone takes a photo of her, she looks stupid in it either smiling not properly or blinking one eye like she is about to sneeze. Then the one who takes that photo laughs at it as if it's her trait to make such a funny face. It's their fault! For Titan's sake! Your horrible photography skill is threatening my true feature! She growls and shakes that mofo in her head. She was fine with selfie during the time she was with the Boscha gang, but ever since she dropped those cocky and bratty attitudes, she suddenly feels so awkward to even make a pose. Selfie alone in her room is not that bad, but while checking the photos, she feels like her smile is a bit forceful. The photo somehow looks, fake, and unemotional. Then she just deletes them all after wasting time to take a bunch of photos just to try to find the best of them. Maybe there is never the best one because she is not that photogenic.

It's worse now when she is growing nonsensically taller. She hasn't been used to it and seeing herself in a photo just shows her more how much of a tree she is looking. She always crops them to portrait size so she won't look like she is about to break the photo frame. She used to be so confident, holding her pride high, with the desire to live in fame and get all the attentions to herself. Everyone could point their cameras at her and capture everything they want, she would love it and stand in the endless admiration like a star walking on a red carpet made exclusively for herself. But through changes and some bad experiences watching her own photos, now it's enough to jump in anxiety every time she catches a lens raising up to her, even though the other just wants to take a photo of the bird behind her back. Being in a photo suddenly feels so stressful and scary. But it's okay, photos are no different than idealized illusions that appear to fool your naivety. The truth can only show when you witness it with the true lens, your eyes. She rather pushes her hair back and proudly lives in this reality.

But being in a relationship means you have to take a lot of photos with your lover to save the moments, right?... And it's true, Luz LOVES casually taking selfie with the ones she loves. The witch really wants to please her girlfriend but...Urgh, Amity face darkens every time she sees a photo of them, with Luz looking all cute while she is smiling like as if trying to hold herself back from going to the restroom. Not end at that, Luz is OBSESSED with taking random daily photos of Amity, and all the photos are-so-horrible, the witch groans in her head. Yet the human girl still smooches on them and happily compliments that Amity looks so adorable. Seriously, in those photos the witch is always in the worst gestures and expressions which she doesn't even know she can have. Like, she is opening her mouth wide to eat in this photo because the burkger is too big. Or in this one she is rubbing her belly and yawning in her scruffy pajamas. In this one she is pulling down her upperlip to scratch her nose. Or this one, she is blurred while reaching to the camera with a scary face as if some angry celebrities attacking an annoying paparazzi.

Amity screams in the pillow with the thought that her girlfriend may show those awful photos to other witches. She doesn't blame Luz though. It's cute that Luz still giggles so lovingly and holds an adoring look towards the witch's ugly moments. This clearly shows that the human girl just loves her girlfriend a lot and it warms Amity heart knowing that truth. But the witch just can't accept the fact that she can look so, urgh, commonly ridiculous. A bit of her pride still acknowledges she is good looking and definitely not, LIKE THAT, she points at the one where she is lying lazily with her back on the floor to read, her neck is bending and it accidentally creates a double chin, with hair sticking out in a tasteless way while cat furs covering all over her rumpled black t-shirt, ARGH, cursed. She wants to secretly take her beloved human's phone to delete all of them. But from the way Luz even puts one of those silly photos as her lock screen, telling Amity that the human may weep and whine like a puppy losing her way home if she loses any of the photos. The witch just doesn't have the heart to delete them, she cries in her soul. Maybe she should just swallow the insecurity, then dig a hole and jump down to hide her embarrassment, as long as her girlfriend can be happy.

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