Dancin' in the rain

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// Listening to the song while reading //

They were having a date in the human realm when the sky started pouring down a hecking heavy rain, sudden and unexpected like people falling in love.

"Oh no, Luz!"

Amity got panicked and started covering Luz. The witch quickly brought her girlfriend to the nearest shelter, under a canopy of a small restaurant with no customer coming in yet, from which you could hear some mellow songs leaking out, making the restaurant feel not as much lonely as how quiet it seemed to be.

"It's okay! It's okay, Amity, look!"

Luz gave a little pat on Amity's back to comfort her, then she gently pulled the witch apart and jumped out to the rain. The human girl spinned herself around in a jolly giggle, splashing the water like spreading a halo of joy. The frightened expression on Amity's face slowly melted into a relief, seeing the smile of her girlfriend still shone with eyes blinking wittily everytime a raindrop fell on her face.

She was still afraid somehow, what if witch's body actually couldn't handle any type of rain, what if the moment she stepped out, some kind of curse happened and took away its harmlessness. What if, what if, but all kind of "what if" turned into a drop of rain that ran down someone's face and stopped at their smiling lips when she felt Luz's hand carefully touching hers.

"Come on. Give me your hand".

Luz said while giving her a familiar smile. The anxious witch cautiously put her hand on Luz's and allowed the human girl to lead her steps. Slowly, one step, then two steps.

"...Ah" , with every raindrop falling on her, overwhelming feelings blossomed inside Amity like withered flowers reacting to water. "Ha-hahaha!", she couldn't help but cracking up a loud laughter. Following after the previous mellow song, "Singin' in the rain" started playing from inside the restaurant, this was either a strange coincidence or some kinds of sign that the universe wanted to join in them for the fun. They both had to shout at the top of their voices to win the loud volume of the heavy rain.

"I love this song!" Luz shouted when she swung Amity around, hands made sure to squeeze her beloved's hands tight enough to not let her slip.

"I have no idea but I think I love it too!" Definitely her new favorite song, Amity thought. 'Love it' couldn't explain how much it stirred up her desire to embrace all those new and delightful feelings. She wanted to open her arms and fully hold all that rain the way she held her girlfriend.

The splashing water under their feet got stronger and stronger. Before they realized, they were already dancing in the rain. Their laughter also splashed everywhere like the way rain was spreading and washing away the dry boredom of the city. Their eyes couldn't even open wide, who knew if it was because of the rain or from laughing too much with the purest joy, the kind of joy which only a child could hold.

They stopped after the song had ended, also because Luz didn't want to cause her girlfriend to be sick from bathing too long under the rain. They went back to stand under the canopy, still couldn't help but chuckling a bit.

Luz started talking while making an attempt to fix her drenched messy hair. "Y'know, some people feel like rainy day like this is kinda depressing. I also prefer sunny day, but rainy day isn't that bad. It's when I find those rays of sunshine coming after so much brighter!"

"Rays of sunshine?" Amity widened her eyes in curiosity. Yes, Boiling Isles did have day and night, but it came and went mysteriously, no one had ever tried taking a risk to look at their "sun". They had magic, but there was no such a spell that could save the melting eyes.

"Oh yah, that reminds me that I never saw rays of sunshine in the Boiling Isles, strange! Let's see... They are like, hmmm" Luz tapped on her chin to think of a description that didn't drily come from a dictionary "Ah I know! Long shining strips which fall down from the sky and you feel like you are blessed catching them!"

With a cheerful gesture, Luz explained while raising one arm up to the sky, which was still pretty much overcast, yet with a pleasant yellow light they got from the restaurant's window frames, everything reflected a little shinier: The brunette's wet hair and her lovely cheeks radiated on a fawn tone skin, her teeth showing from a big grin, and, the spark in Amity's eyes.

"Oh...I can imagine it somehow!", Amity replied in understanding and returned Luz's smile with hers, "And it surely makes me love human rain even more".

There was this warm feeling inside her chest that pushed Amity to say and do more than just acknowledge a simple sunlight. She continued her sentence by leaning down to give Luz a kiss. The girls could feel how cold the other's lips were, but heat slowly grew and so did the red on their faces when the kiss lasted a little longer than expected. The rain was still very heavy, but their surrounding suddenly felt like it got returned back to its silence so one person could sense the slightest tremble in the voice of a witch.

"Love someone even more, too".

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