The sleepover confession

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They were having their usual Azura book club meeting in Amity's hideout, like every other meetings, it was just their little excuse to be a little closer to each other. Sometimes they would get all excited and joyfully discuss about the scene they both took an interest on, but sometimes it got all quiet and they could just hear the sound of flipping pages and the way the other girl softly breathed. With arms still wrapping each other, none of them dared to look at their lover to expose the tint of red on their faces.

There was this day, they decided that they wanted to finish a whole book - well yes, just another excuse to spend more time together. After grabbing some food outside, they went back to their little nest and enjoyed their night. The cuddling-reading time went on until Amity felt one side of her shoulder starting to get a bit heavier. With all the energy she had used during the day, Luz usually got sleepy easily at night and she went to sleep very early, unlike the other witch.

"Ah..." Amity turned to look at the clock "I didn't realize it already passed her sleeping hour. I guess we will have to sleep here for the night...?". 

A tiny excited feeling grew in Amity while she was stroking Luz's hair. It wasn't her first night sleeping there, the giant library and how things were well prepared in the staff room actually provided her enough to turn this place into her home. But this was the first time she had Luz here, sleeping, in her hideout, IN HER ARM.

"How careless of you, falling asleep at a strange place like this" She gently kissed on Luz forehead "I wish I could tuck you safely in your bed instead of here".

Luz gave a little "Hmmm" when she buried her face deeper into Amity's neck, making the witch couldn't help but laughing out loud from being tickled (She was indeed, very tickled pink), but she quickly covered her mouth to look down and check on Luz. Good, the human girl was still sleeping soundly. In relief, she gave Luz another kiss, and another, and another, on her hair. 

The atmosphere was so quiet and she was supposed to start feeling sleepy, yet Amity felt like there were so many noises in her mind.

"...Luz?", she almost whispered, the other girl was still sleeping. They had always been a honest couple, the talks were pretty easily shared, even for someone who always held guard towards everything like Amity, the sincerity from Luz felt like a soft pillow she could finally lie down and let out a breath of relief.

But not everything could be shared. Amity had been holding this anxiety every day when they worked on how to fix the portal. Knowing Luz also had her inner problem, she carefully not to let her fear cause things to be even worse. Her eyes got a little blurry looking at the image of a pure and peaceful sleeping face. How she loved this weight she could hold in her arm. How she wished this moment could last forever. Unconsciously, she squeezed Luz a bit tighter, she bended a little and gently put her forehead on Luz's.

"Don't go..."

She said with the smallest tone she could make, her voice felt like air.

Suddenly, she felt something warm putting on her face. It was Luz's hand, as warm as ever, the kind of warmth that spread from one touch to her whole body, to her heart, to her trembling anxious soul. Maybe it was just coincidental that Luz was having a dream about comforting her, maybe.

"Hm..m...kay—" The human girl mumbled something unclear, her voice was small but it was powerful enough to break down all the heavy weight in Amity chest. Nothing was assured, but who would blame her for believing in something unclear like that voice, right? At least for just a moment.

"You silly thing..." Amity smiled before she wrapped Luz entirely with both arms, hiding her face away, "...whom I love too much".

Trying to preserve her girlfriend's peaceful sleep, Amity let one hand gently stroking Luz's back, hoping she didn't sense the wet of something dropping on her face

Lumity shorts collectionOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora