Her second chance mate

Start from the beginning

Anex's Pov:

I stood beside my sister who was giving the warriors a serious look that sent chills down to our spin. Daicy is absent because she have to take care of her baby girls with rose. Lilly stood beside anu and began to talk.

Lilly:"So attention here warriors! We have a great news to inform you all!"
(She roared while ther people in the training field become dead silent. Anu smirk and step forward)

Anu:"So the news is....some rogues are joining to our pack and we all have to be alert! They maybe looks innocent but don't fall for it! The vampires are attacking packs and we have to make more strong warriors to defeat them.
If anyone look suspicious amoung the rogues, then don't waste anytime to kill them. This is a cammand and you should all listen to me or else you all know what will happen!"
(They all gulp by anu's alpha voice. I smirk seeing the fire in their eyes.)

All:"YES ALPHA!!!"
(The roared while i looks at anu before steping beside her with a firm face.)

Anex:"Ok that's all for today! You can go do your job!"
(I look at anu who was into a deep thought. I shook her by the shouldee and she looks at me confusely)

(She ask me and i raise my eyebrows )

Anex:"I know you are worried about jamie but please.....try to get some rest! You look tired sis . "
(I concernly said and she give a tired smile to me before patting my head.)

Anu:" Dont have to worry about me brother. I'm perfectly fine!"
(i shook my head stubbornly while lilly watch us with a small smile)

Anex:"You know what? Lets go for a hunt! I miss running in the woods with ya! When we were little, we try to test our strength by racing and you would always win! But i doubt this time, what if i won and you have to buy me new brand new clothes?"
(She grin playfully while i smrik at her bravely. She pinch my nose and giggles)

Anu:"You can't win against me anex! Never!"
(He smirk noticing my angry yet pouty face while i slap her hand away that was on my face)

Anex:" Look at those muscles anu! They would easily squeeze you if you mess with me. Are you scared to race with me? Aww scaredy cat!"
(She growl at me and step forward more closely and i only give a grin at her angry face. She don't like when i call her scardy cat. Once she almost broke my nose when i call her that name.)

Anu:"Challenge accepted kiddo! If you won, i will buy you new expensive clothes but if i won, you have to run the field 30 times!"
(I gulp before nodding. We all went into the woods before shifting. Lilly watch us from far while we take position before taking a run. This gonna be so fun.)

Annie's Pov:

Time skip night~

I pass through the hallway after tooking sia to bed. I decided to check jamie before going to bed. Anu and anex didn't came back yet and it worries me. I heard a sob from anu's room before i slammed open the door. My breath hitched to saw the sight of jamie on the bed crying while clenching his tummy. I look down at his lengs that have blood stain and gasp. I ran toward him before holding him before he fell on to the floor from the bed. He let out a painful cry that brokes my heart before screaming for help.

( I winded my eyes seeing the open bathroom is pool of blood. He must be fell in bathroom. Shit what do i do!. In no time, the others already come inside and saw us. They gasp while the luna ask the men's to go out.)

Jamie:"A-AHHHHHHHH!!! its h-hurts!"
(He gripped on the pillow under his head while hot tears are coming from his eyes. The luna panic before picking up some towels and wipe his leg thag blood stain on.)

Loka(Luna):" S-someone call the d-doctor! He is in labor and bring some warm water to me !"
(She said in a trembling voice while i hold his hand tightly)

Me:" W-why anu is not here yet! She should feel emotions from him! What the fuck is happening?!!"
(I growl angrily yet worriedly and jamie shook his head no while trying to control his scream)

Daicy:"I think, he is blocking their bond! He build a wall between that why anu can't feel his emotion.!"
(She said while looking at the blood and i shiver. How dare you jamie! Someone knocked on the door before the doctor enter and hurrily came towards jamie who was crying his heart out.)

Doctor:"Oh god! He is bleeding a lot! Bring some warm water and please can you all get out! The luna can stay here. And please inform the alpha!"
(He began to treat jamie. Jamie let out a painful cry and i cover my mouth scaredly. The doctor put a blanket around his waist and pulled his shorts off from him with his underwear that wet by his blood)

Luna:"Daicy inform anu about jamie ASAP!!! He need her!!!"
(Daicy nods and quickly try to mind link her. I decide to stay with jamie and puts his head on my lap. The others get out from the room expect me,luna,doctor and a crying jamie)

Anu's Pov:


That was fun. We had so much fun in the woods. We race, fight, and decide to watch the sun set but its become more late. I try to communicate jamie but he build a wall between us that gives a bad feeling. My brother sense my expression before nudge me with his shoulder. I look at him worriedly.

Anex:"What happend anu? Why you look so sad?! Is there something you want to talk about!"
(He as me concernly while i look down feeling my wolf uneasiness.)

Me:"Ah? Yeah. Its about jamie. He is blocking me from communicate with him and my wolf is continusely howling in my head. I feel something is not right."
(He look forward but stoo in his track before turning towards me with his eyes turn blue. Pack mindlink)

Anex:"A-anu...we should go back to the pack quickly! Its emergency!"
(He looks tensed and i look at him weirdly. My wolf again growl in my head and i became alert)

Me:"Why? Is there someting wro-"
( Before i can finish my sentence, I heard a painful cry in my head)

Jamie:"A-anu!!! Ahhh p-please c-come f-fast!!! Ow!! Its h-hurting baby AHHH!!"

Anex:"Anu? Are you okay sis?"
(I freez on my spot and my brother started to freak out. My eyes turn blood shot red and look at him firmly)

Me:"J-jamie...jamie is in pain!"
(I shift to my wolf form before ran towarda the pack with tears flowing from my eyes. My mate is going to give birth! I saw the pack house before turn back to my human form and breath heavily . As i reach the the pack house, i already can hear jamie's screams from the pain. Be strong! .)

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