Her second chance mate

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Chapter Twenty -Nine

Two year later ~~

Jamie's Pov:

My outfit :

This one years, Me and anu became unseparatable and so in love

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This one years, Me and anu became unseparatable and so in love. We love each other that the other couple can't even sleep nights because of our unholy noise Hehe. We took care of eachother rule the pack greatly. Even the pack is proud of us. I always check the other omega members and their kids is they are doing good. I snapped out from my thoughts when my sister put sia on my lap. Sia is my sister's daughter. She is two years old and so cute. Others also gave birth but they all are baby girls not even a boy. It's not like I don't like them it's just anu love boy unlike me. I want a baby girl but sadly I didn't get pregnant. I dunno why is that and we asked the doctor.The doctor said, I am a male Luna and it will take time to get pregnant.Anu was so sad and depressed hearing the news. I try to encourage her but now I am losing hope. I want to give the heir of the pack. A big strong fearless alpha like my mate but god is playing with us. I pray for a baby same goes to anu. Anu is sad bad she hide it very well in front me and make me happy. I saw sometimes anu watching the pack kids playing and having a great time with their parents and it brokes my heart. Mark gave birth to two beautiful baby girls named jenny and jisso. Clara gave birth to a cute baby girl named Sara. Kevin gave birth to a little baby named Olivia . Rose gave birth to two baby girls named Emily and Era . They are so happy with their kids. I rocked sia in my arms and she looked at me cutely while sucking her thumb. I chuckled and kiss her chubby cheeks and she let out a adorable laugh. Me and others are here in the living room with their babies while our mates gone for work. My sister patted my shoulder softly and I looks at her eyebrows raised.

Annie:"I know you and anu is in pain but trust me jams, your prayers will come true. We all are waiting for the heir for this pack and I know you can do it. Just don't loose hope brother. We all are with you. "
(I smile warmly. Even though I was in pain inside but for my mate, I will be strong.)

Me:"Thank you guys. I hope one day, the big day will come and my mate will be so happy. I really want to gave birth to anu's baby. A baby who looks and brave like my alpha."
(She gave me a side hug. I became so mature and strong. Anu train me every morning before going to her work. I have a healthy body now. I am not a skeleton anymore. The whole pack loves me and I love them too. Especially the kids. Oh! Philip found his mate a year ago and her name is angel. She is from our pack and a omega. They have a baby named Lucy. They shift to here because Philip 's parents died a year ago. And about the US trip, that cancelled because anu have so much work to do and I can understand that. )

Mark:"Yeah we are all with you Luna. And our kids is also yours Jamie. "
(I smile in tears and a beautiful strong familiar smell hits my nose. )

Anu:"Hey guys, What are you all discussing about? Did I interrupt you? "
(She smiled while picking up me from the couch and put me on her lap. I slap her hand and point at sia in my arms.)

Clara :"it's alright alpha. We were just talking about some random stuff. And we are thinking to go out. You know just me, Jamie, rose, Kevin, mark and angel. We were in the pack house ever since we have kids. "
(Anu pouts and I pinched her cheeks that she let out a whine)

Anex:"Oww what about us? ~ We want to have fun too "
(They all sat beside their mates. I put sia on my sister's lap and excuses myself to bring some drinks for us.)

Anu's Pov:

My outfit :

Me:"Yeah! We want to go with you! I can't let my mate go out alone! I should come with you all! "(I firmly said they all signed

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Me:"Yeah! We want to go with you! I can't let my mate go out alone! I should come with you all! "
(I firmly said they all signed. I smirk but we all startls by the sounds that comes from the kitchen. I jumped out from the couch and ran into the kitchen. My breath hitched noticing my mate laid on the floor unconsciously. I picked him up like a bridal style and ran towards our bedroom before laid him on the mattress. I sat beside him while holding his hand gently with a rapid heart beat. )

Annie:"Jamie... Brother open your eyes please "
(She began to cry while I patt his cheeks softly to wake him up. My wolf whimpers softly from anxiety)

Me:"B-babe... D-darling you're m-making me s-scared! Anyone fucking call the doctor!!!!"
(I shout at them and my brother mind link the pack house doctor. She came some minutes later)

Doctor :"Please can you all go out? So I can check him"
(She politely asked and I growls at her angrily. But my brother dragged me out )

Time skip ~

I walk back and forth in front of our bedroom in tension. I look up hearing the door open and rush towards the doctor who was smiling at me.

Me:"Doctor how is my mate? Is he okay? And your creepy smile is freaking me out doctor! "
(The doctor chuckled and patted my shoulder in a comforting way)

Doctor :"Congratulations alpha anu! The Luna is pregnant! "
(I stood there with a shock and others started to squeeze me in a big hug.)

Me:"W-wait w-what?! You are kidding me right?! "
(I almost screamed at him. She flinched and shook her head)

Doctor :"I'm not joking alpha anu. You are going to be a mother and please take care of him. If you excuse me, I will take my leave "
(He left. Little by little, some water droplets come out from my eyes. M-my baby is p-pregnant! I'm gonna be a mother! The heir! Ahhhhhhh)

Anex:"Congratulations sis! I should inform this good news to our parents! "
(He gave me a side hug and I smile warmly before slowly opened the bedroom door and step inside.I saw my mate is looking at me in his teary eyes. I rush towards him before engulf him in a tight hug)

Jamie :"A-anu.... W-we are g-going to b-become p-parents! Y-you are going to b-be a m-mom! F-finally our prayers for a b-baby came true !!"
(He weakly wrapped his arms around my neck and hide my face in the crook of his neck. I nods while cupping his face giving kisses on his face)

Me:"Yes yes! We are going to be parents! I am so happy baby!! I love you! I love you! I love you so much jams! "
(I pull him into a deep passionate kiss. We kiss through our happy tears. The others also came inside and congratulate us. I will always protect you two my little sweethearts)

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