Her second chance mate

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Chapter Fifteen

Warning : Clingy things :3

Flash back end ~~~

Anex's Pov:

Night 9:pm~~

Me:"And from that day, Anu became more cold and cruel towards everyone except me of course. She started to distance herself from her friends daicy and Lilly. Sometimes her cold behavior scared the hell out of me but now I'm used to it. "
(I noticed Jamie is not saying anything but looking down all this time. I signed and give him a hug. He flinched but rest his head on my shoulder and let out a sob)

Daicy :"Please Jamie, don't hate our anu. It's just ,she didn't know how to show her emotions anymore and it's not her fault. Please give her some time. She will realize her feeling towards you soon because I know anu loves you. "
(She smiled warmly while hugging rose who was also in tears after hearing anu's story.)

Me:"Yeah. Just make her fall for you! Maybe she already did fall in love with you but doesn't want show to you. She is thinking, you are same like Bella and broke her heart again So make her believe you are not like that bitch but more perfect for anu."
(I pulled out from the hug and faced this little guy who is sniffing cutely)

Lucas:"I can't mindlink anu! She is blocking the mindlink!!"
(She informed and Jamie started to panic but I patted his head and smiled at him lightly)

Jamie :"I-i want to s-see her. Please find her and take me to her! "
(He said desperately and I shooked my head as a no)

Me:"You can't see her now Jamie! You know anu is not in the mood for a talk and she thinks you like as Bella. If you talk to her, I hundred percent sure she will again hurts your feelings saying something that you won't like it! So please understand this situation Jam's! "
(I tried to convince him but this little guy is so stubborn that he get off from the bed and folds his hands in front of him while glaring daggers at me. I gulped his eyes turned blue. His wolf. )

Jamie :"I said, I. Want. To. See. My. Mate.!! "
(We all freeze on our spot hearing his stern voice and look. My mom and dad are more surprised to hear him using his tone this coldly like he is commanding us. Just so perfect to become a Luna )

Me:" U-umm yeah of course Luna. Ahmm I think she will be in her favorite spot. "
(I stuttered while speaking and he looked at me pleadly with the blushing face after hearing I called him Luna)

Jamie :"Please tell me where is that place! "
(He held my hands while showing his puppy eyes and I signed before telling him where could anu will be)

Anu's Pov:

Meanwhile ~~~

I sat on a rock in front of the beautiful place while admiring the view. What a beauty that god made. I signed while throwing some rocks on the water and looks at the reflection of my face in the lake. I looks like shit! Dried tears on my cheeks, messy hair, sweat from all the running and crying. Why the fuck did I cry anyway?! No one cared about me even my brother called me a monster! I gripped on my hair from frustration. Did I hurts his feelings? Did I choose the wrong decision to make him hate me? Do you even love me Jamie? I know you are not like her but why do I feel like this? Why is my heart beating so fast when you are around me? Why do you make me feel like this? I don't deserve any love,my mate! I am a sinner! I'm not good for you. I have a fucked up past and I am suffering from that this whole year! I don't want to put you in my already messed up life and give you more pain! Yes, I have feelings for you but I just can't trust you and open my heart for you to break it. I love you but I just can't tell you that! I madly want you but I just can't force you to it. If I want, I will make love to whenever I want and no one will dare to ruin it but I don't want like that with you ! I want you to hate me and I know now ,I am the only person that you hate the most. I have to do this but I won't let any other person come to your life and snatch you away from me! I won't let that happen! You will be mine! You are only mine and I will make sure, you will stay with me in your whole life.

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