Chapter 9: Home

Começar do início

Which was where Felix found her several hours later, sitting by Mio's bedside, watching him sleep. If her presence surprised him, his face didn't betray it.

"I really had hoped to make it up here before he fell asleep." He sighed. Leaning down, he placed a kiss on their son's head. "Everyone wanted to speak to me about the attack. About the Championship Games. About everything."

He let out a frustrated huff. "You'd think a group of twelve men could manage a few weeks without me, but somehow they always end up bickering when I am not here."

"Perhaps you're a calming presence," she suggested with a smile.

"Me?" He raised an eyebrow. "It beggars belief."

"Well, your presence obviously does something."

He chuckled quietly. "I give them a common enemy."

"You're serving your purpose."

Giving her a quick glance, his lips twitched. "I am here to serve. Are you tired?"

She was exhausted to the point she wasn't sure she could move. Their last week of travel had been tiring in a way she was no longer used to. She nodded, and he held a hand out. After a moment's hesitation, she placed her hand in his. His grip was strong and warm, just like he always was. Helping her up from the stool next to Mio's bed, he put her hand on his arm and escorted her back to their quarters.

They shared a drawing room with their bedchambers on opposite sides behind solid oak doors. Their shared space had a table and comfortable chairs, a wall of bookcases and a fireplace, but they rarely spent time there. At least not together. Shae often spent her evenings reading in one of the comfortable chairs if she didn't feel like retiring to her bedchamber. As Felix often stayed late with his council members, he rarely bothered her. He hesitated as they reached the drawing room.

"Would you like to share a drink before bed?" he asked.

Stepping away, she played with the end of her braid—a remnant of their days on the road as she had not yet changed out of the commoner's clothing either. She needed a bath as well, but it would have to wait until the next day. Watching Felix—who also still wore his common clothes—she hesitated. They had just spent over a week alone on the road together, and had become quite friendly... but somehow, being back in the castle, things felt different. This was their old haunting ground, and there were specific ways they behaved here. She wasn't sure she was ready to change it.

Finally, she nodded. "One drink," she said. "Then I must sleep."

Felix flashed her a quick smile, and she got the distinct impression that he had expected her to decline. He walked over to a cupboard and found a bottle of wine and two glasses. Pouring two drinks, he brought them back and gave her one. Holding his glass out, he winked. "To being home."

Nudging her glass to his, she smiled faintly. "To being home."

After taking a sip of his wine, Felix motioned to the comfortable chairs by the fireplace and they sat down in them, staring into the burning fire. The wine was good quality, and she found herself feeling rather drowsy as she watched the flames of the fire licking the grate.

"Any news of Castel and the others?" she asked.

"The council have received a message by owl," Felix said, making her sit up straighter in her chair. "It didn't say much, as I imagine they didn't want to give too much away if it was intercepted by whoever attacked us, but it was signed by Cas."

She breathed out a sigh of relief. Her friend was alive.

"Thank the Gods," she mumbled before taking another sip of her wine.

Bowstrings & Velvet (Spellbound #1)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora