Shocked I gaped at him, "Holy crap really?" He smiled gently, blue eyes warm and amused. "Yeah really. Thankfully, unlike you two, no connection to the moon so I can totally cover shifts when you're out of commission." I laughed at that, trying to imagine a wolf manning the bar and finding it hilarious that a creature known for its shifting on the moon actually didn't.

"That's so cool Thorne," I told him and then he smirked and said, "Yeah had my pack in an uproar when I wanted to be a diver of all things. Wolves don't swim." I laughed loudly just as Matt came in with a questioning look for us and I gestured vaguely at Thorne. "It is pretty funny to imagine a wolf in a snorkel."


Finals had come and gone and then graduation rolled around. After much debate, since I still hadn't had a peep from my father beyond the notes with lists of chores, I texted him to let him know I had graduated and when the graduation party was. I received no reply to that but I wasn't alone on graduation since all of the McLarens were there and they had practically adopted me at this point.

As I was overwhelmed after the ceremony with their warm congratulations and eagerness to celebrate I caught sight of my father all the way in the back. He'd made the time to come, though he hadn't let me know. Our eyes met as I was being hugged by Clara and he titled his chin once in a nod before straightening and heading outside.

Alright, clearly we still weren't on speaking terms but at least he'd been there. My graduation had been important enough to him to take time out of his busy schedule. Matt caught on that I'd seen something because not long after he pulled me aside to check if I was alright. "Yeah, I think so. I just saw my dad but he left when he saw that I'd noticed him."

He focused his dark brown eyes on mine, brows lowering. "Well that's something I guess. You think he's sticking around? Want me to drive you home to check?" I knew very well that Matt didn't like my father much and that he was silently furious on my behalf for the way he treated me. For my sake however he usually held his tongue and I was warmed by the thought of him willing to miss out on at least part of the McLaren graduation celebration later tonight for me.

Resting my forehead against his wide chest I soaked up his warmth and comfort for a moment while I sorted my thoughts. Did I want to miss out on part of the party for a flimsy chance that my dad had stuck around? And did I have the will to talk with him tonight of all nights? I didn't want to pretend being civil with him with so much left unsaid between us.

"No, I'd rather celebrate with you guys than with him," I decided in the end. "I'm not putting my plans on hold because he decided to show up unannounced." I was very much done waiting and hoping for my dad to turn around and see me for me again. For him to spend time with me willingly without my mom's shadow hanging between us. That wasn't what she would've wanted either.

"Alright, if you're sure," Matt easily agreed and as we turned to mingle with the excited crowd around us again I caught his pleased smile. When I lifted my head to search out the rest of the McLaren's or maybe Mitch and his mother I spotted Jamie instead. She was standing with her fancily dressed parents, her mother's throat glittering with diamonds. Though she seemed engaged in conversation her eyes were daggers focused on me.

At once I realized that that stupid mobbing she'd instigated that had netted me some bruises and a bloody nose wasn't the end of things; she was still plotting revenge. I'd put it out of my head, considering it all a done deal, especially now that we'd graduated and would likely never see each other again. Clearly this chick knew how to hold a grudge.

"Looking at Jamie huh?" Matt asked quietly in my ear, having followed my line of sight. "She's still plotting. I thought she'd have dropped it by now but clearly not..." Matt concurred and slid his arm protectively around my middle. "Guess that means no walking alone in dark alleys for you, can't have you get ambushed again. I happen to like your nose as is." He said it jokingly but I knew he was really dead serious. I seemed to be in danger all the time lately, who knew supposed quiet place, Conningsby was going to shake up my life this much?

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