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Art above from: reese_tano on Instagram

- Ahsoka got sick (of Separatist bs)

She hasn't been feeling well since she went on patrol six days ago. Probably something she picked up from one of the three trillion civilians on Coruscant. Anakin was aware that she got sick. Granted it is hard to hide things from someone who you spend practically every day with. He has been monitoring Ahsoka ever since she started coughing.

    If she was being honest, this was not the worst she felt. Which isn't saying a lot since she recovered from the blue shadow virus. Yet, for having mild symptoms, she found it a little hard to talk.

    Ahsoka thought that she had never been so quiet for so long. A whole two days with minimal talking. Luckily that time was spent at the Temple in her and Anakin's shared quarters.

    By the time the 501st was deployed on a mission, she was feeling fine. Not back to her normal self but well enough that she could act like she was.

    "Are you still feeling okay?" Anakin asked, as they had just finished the first day of the mission.

    Ahsoka took some medicine to help boost her immune system, "Yep."

    Anakin scrunched his eyebrows together, "Your voice sounds a little worn."

    "Probably because I was using it," She said.

    Her master rolled his eyes, "Get some sleep, the real fight starts tomorrow."

Anakin was right. The Spertist decided that it was the perfect time to show their face and make the Republic's life hard. They lost a lot of equipment and men in that battle but eventually came out on top. But this didn't help Ahsoka's health.

She felt like it was her fault that they suffered significant loss. If she was faster, or stronger, or if she read the battle better. Ahsoka knew that she was sick and knew that it wasn't good to blame herself. The thoughts didn't stop.

The next day was terrible. Ahsoka couldn't fall asleep then had to wake up early the next day. As she was getting ready to start her shift on the venator, Anakin came in. She was putting on her boots and was right next to a pile of tissues.

"Did I wake you up?"

"No, Snips, I just came to check on you," Anakin said, using the force to pick up all the tissues and throw them away.

"I'm doing okay," Ahsoka replied. She wanted to get a start on the day and try to get it over with.

Anakin looked at her, "I can feel it, Snips, you feel worse than you did yesterday."

"The hard part is over," She argued, "I can get through today."

"Do you really want to?"

Ahsoka paused. As much as she didn't want to seem weak, or appear to be slacking off, she wanted rest. She was sure they would get reassigned tomorrow and she would have to work again. So it would make sense to rest toady to feel better later.

"No," Ahsoka conceded.

Anakin smiled, knowing that he would have had her rest anyways, "I'll get you some medicine, get some rest."

She nodded, already making her way back to her bed.

"Where is the Commander?" Rex asked Anakin. He memorized both Jedi's schedules for the mission. And no one notified him of any change.

"Ahsoka isn't feeling well, so I told her to get some more rest."

"It isn't anything serious right?" Rex asked.

"No, Rex," Anakin replied, "it's just a common cold."

The clone captain nodded, relieved that it wasn't a big deal. But he still secretly pulled out his commlink and notified a curtain medic.

Ashoka spent the first hour on the holonet before sleep finally took over. And for a while she felt peaceful. She didn't even notice when her door slid open.


She opened her eyes, a little startled to find someone in her room without feeling them beforehand. But the only thing that didn't shock her was that Kix was standing there with a ration bar, water, and medicine.

"Hi-," Ahsoka tried to say, but her throat was gravely and sleep still held her in a tight grasp.

She tried again, "Hi Kix."

"You need to eat," He said simply.

Ahsoka sat up and accepted the ration bar that was given to her. Kix sat at the edge of her cot and waited for her to eat at least half of the ration bar before handing her the medicine.

"Now," Kix said, "you need to drink this whole canteen of water and finish that ration bar before I leave."

Ahsoka groaned, that sounded like a lot of work. If she was honest, she wanted to just go back to sleep.

The look Kix had told her to do otherwise.

After doing what he instructed, he checked for a fever and then nodded to himself.

"Get some rest, Commander."

It was already mid day, she didn't know how much rest she would get before the intrusive thoughts came back.

She layed down and remembered what Anakin said. No one has expectations for her to be perfect. It wasn't her fault that she was sick. The only thing she had to do was get better.

And that is enough.

"How is our vok'ika doing Kix?" Rex asked once they met up in the halls of the venator.

"No fever," Kix reported, "if she rests and drinks a lot of water, she should be back to her old self in no time."

"I hope the war allows her to do that."

"We'll keep an eye on her Captain," Kix told him.

As soon as they were back on Coruscant, Kix checked on Ahsoka once again. She looked better, the medicine must be working. Another day of rest and she will be ready to go.

The Jedi walked to the Temple, Kix both telling them his thoughts. Anakin was relieved that she would be better. He wouldn't make the same mistake and have her overwork herself.

The next day, Ahsoka felt tons better. She wasn't overly tired and had a freer movement. She went to tell Anakin when she saw him lying in bed next to a pile of tissues.

The roles were reversed.

Words: 1027

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