20 Questions

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Art above from: Inky Axolotl on Tumblr (I edited it some)

-A long flight, a bored Jedi.

They had 4 hours to go. The 501st has been deployed to the far reaches of the outer rim. The Seppies were trying to invade a neutral system, and they called for Republic aid. Joining the 501st, Master Luminara's battalion and Master Windu's battalion.

Ahsoka was on the bridge in the technicians pit. Her master was watching the stars in front of him streak by. The Torrent company milling around both of the Jedi.

The young togruta padawan received her second lightsaber almost a month ago. Her monterals already growing larger, she even grew out of her old togruti tube top and replaced her battle wear. Becoming a more experienced officer in the process.

Even with all the experience, there were moments where she revealed that she still only was a teenager.

Especially when on longer campaigns.

They were not on the battlefield. The five-oh-first wasn't even close to the system. They have only been in hyperspace for two hours.

Ahsoka was bored out of her mind.

She spun around in her chair. Trying to focus but failing miserably. Her mind wandered farther than the expansion region.

"What would you do if you were dumped in a Seppartist base with nothing but a mystery box?"

Everyone on the bridge paused. Not expecting the sudden question.

"Open the box, obviously," Kix said, answering the question first.

"What? No!" Jesse exclaimed, looking up from the other technician's pit. "You're surrounded by droids! First thing you do is get cover."

"Have to agree with Jesse on that one," Rex said from beside the General.

"Use my lightsaber to-"

"No, Master, that is cheating."

"How is that cheating?"

"Because I said so, and I asked the question," Ahsoka said proudly.

"Alright," Anakin said, facing her now, "then I would use the force to crush the nearest Seppie and steal it's blaster."

"What about the box?" Ahsoka questioned, now sitting on the edge of her seat.

"What is in it?"

"It's a mystery," Rex said. "That is the whole point."

"Chuck the box at the nearest droid," Fives said loudly. Causing everyone on the bridge to chuckle.

"How would that help, vod," Jesse challenged.

"Maybe there is a droid popper inside," Fives stated.

"What if General Grievous was there?" Ahsoka added.

"Call General Kenobi," Rex said immediately.

This went on for a while. Ahsoka asking questions and the five-oh-first answering. Getting serious answers as well as sarcastic ones. Everyone had something to say. The more Ahsoka added the better it got. After a while, Ahsoka ran out of questions. The asker changed between different people on the bridge. With the padawan chiming in when she thought of a good one.

"Oh! I got one!" Ahsoka called out after Kix's turn.

"Shoot Commander!" Fives said, into the moment.

"Safety Protocol: #479, If I were shot and in critical condition, what would you do?"

It went quiet after that. No one was expecting the dark turn. Ahsoka didn't expect it either. She was expecting to receive answers like, 'Take your lightsabers and see how many droids I can slice.' The last thing she thought would be the answer was silence.

Trying to recover the mood from earlier and act like this wasn't creeping her out, Ahsoka said, "Well? What would you do?"

"Avenge you." Anakin said after a heart beat.

"What? No-"

"Find who did it to you and shoot a bullet through their head."


"Rush you to the nearest bacta tank."

"I expected that from you, Kix." Ahsoka said.

"Force acid down their throat."

"Whoa, okay," She quickly said. "A little morbid Jesse."

"My lightsaber would be better."

"OK," Ahsoka said loudly, preventing this train of thought from going any farther. "You know that is, like, against everything the Republic stands for, right?"

"But they shot you," Anakin said, "the five-oh-first wouldn't be the same without you."

"Well, hypothetically, I wouldn't be dead, I would be in critical condition."

"Basically dead," Fives deadpanned.

"Rex help me out here," Ahsoka stood up and went to the corner of the technicians pit closest to the front of the bridge. Where Rex and Anakin stood.

The clone captain looked down at his little sister, grabbing his blaster and loading it. "I would avenge you, Commander."

Ahsoka hit her head on the wall. Her family was insane.

The techs around her chuckled.

Anakin put his hand on Rex's shoulder, "That's what I like to hear, Rex."

,Good thing this is a fake scenario,' Ahsoka thought. Secretly thrilled that they are that fond of her.

"I bet the other battalions are not this crazy," She said.

"Good thing we're not the other battalions," Jesse replied.

"Yeah," She deadpanned, "there would probably be a lot less murder."

The clones smiled at that. Knowing that their little sister is grateful for them. They are family, after all.

"Anyway," Ahsoka said, "What would you do if there was a youngling right in front of you?"

Rex squatted down, bringing himself closer to her, "There already is one."

She glared at him while their brothers around them roared with laughter.

"I'm fifteen and will beat your ass," she challenged, lifting herself over the rim of the pit to stare him in the face.

"Are you old enough to swear?"

"I'm older than you!"

"Not taller."

"I mean little, little," Ahsoka explained sarcastically. "Like, 'don't have their kyber crystals yet,' little."

"Kill them."


Words: 899

When you have an hour to do work but you avoid it and write instead
Drink water <3

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