Keep Your Head Down!

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Art above from: rayn44 on DeviantArt

-A soldier's duty to protect their Jedi!

"Alright," Rex stated sternly, "we need to talk."

"We are talking, Rexter," Ahsoka said, leaning back in her chair. Anakin sitting similarly, with his hands behind his head.

Rex didn't look amused. In fact this is the angriest Ahsoka had seen him. She became a padawan about two months ago. So far, Rex has always kept a cool head. In contrast to Skyguy's brash reckless behavior, he balanced them out.

Yet right now, it looks like the Jedi did something to seriously tick him off.

"Is this about us throwing you off the wall last week?" Anakin asked.

Rex bristled, the memory still fresh in his mind, "No, but this goes along with it."

That could be anything. They were not by the books. Anakin has been told time and time again that he is an unconventional Jedi. That is what makes him a great general. As well as a hot topic for the holonet.

There was a knock on the door, and more veterans of the 501st wandered into the room.

"You called for us Captain?" Appo asked.

"Take a seat," Rex gestured back towards the Jedi.
Ahsoka sank further into her chair. Practically laying in it. Mumbling about how this is going to take awhile. The clones who passed chuckled. She smiled shyly. Ahsoka was buried in meters of droid factory rubble for a long time. Which led her to believe that she would have to grow up faster the more she had to fight in the war.
Might as well enjoy not dying for a while longer.

"As you know," Rex started, "our commanding Jedi like to take risks."

Everyone in the GAR knows that they take a lot more than a few risks. The clones in the room had their fair share of Skywalker foolery. They shared their agreements, the room coming alive with mumbling.

"Including," Rex interjected, "not taking cover."

Ahsoka laughed, all the clones erupting in cheers. Shouting their affirmations. Anakin rolled his eyes at Ahsoka. Who was clutching her sides from laughing so much.

As Jedi, especially the Chosen One, they normally do not take the same precautions.

Or any precautions.

After Ahsoka had gotten settled into the five-oh-first, she started getting asked if she was going to put on armor. Anakin armor to protect his shoulder and collarbone area. Her togruta sash doesn't cover any of her upper body.

Which worried everyone.

Ahsoka wasn't going to give up her heritage. Her sash was one of the only possessions she had left from her culture. She wasn't going to give it up.

Ahsoka didn't tell the clones that, she just said no. They didn't need to know the emotional attachment she had to a piece of clothing. No one did.

Eventually people stopped asking her to put on armor. Slowing her to show her scars freely.

She already had more than a few.

Rex held up his hand, taking back control of the room, "Which makes it our duty to make sure they duck and cover."

"So your heads don't get blown off!" Someone shouted from the back of the room.

Ahsoka laughed again. Anakin rolled his eyes, "You already forced me to duck and cover, Rex."

"But," Rex said with a smirk, "now we will all make sure you get down."

"It is our duty, sir," Appo said, leaning over his chair and smiling.

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