"Oh don't overreact, I am fine! Look at me! I am as good looking as ever!" He stretches his arms out before wincing and looking down at his left shoulder where he got shot.

"Yeah sure looks like it buddy. You were exceptionally good looking when there was a massive tube down your throat, or when you were nice and pale from the blood loss." I cross my arms very serious with the situation at hand. I could've lost my dad, my best friend in the entire world and he's making jokes out of it.

He may be friends with Satan but he's my best friend forever, Satan can't take him away from me.

"Come here Maggie," his once annoying face goes soft at my words. Carefully he stretches his arms open signalling he wants to hug me. Sighing, I un-cross my arms before gently hugging him back. "Don't think I am going to leave you just yet. No bullet can kill me when I have something very important to live for."

"I was so scared." I cry hugging him tighter burying my face in his shoulder. "You were bleeding and then you didn't wake up for almost three days. I thought you were going to die!"

"Oh my girl," he sighs placing a kiss to my forehead. Pushing me back into a sitting position he makes me look at him. I'm pouting and tears are running down my face. "I promised that day that you were convinced that I would dump you into the river–or ocean, I can't remember. But, I made a promise to you that I will never leave you and I don't know if you know this very well, but I never break my promises. Okay?" He wipes my tears and pulls me back into a hug.

"Can you promise it won't happen again?" I know that this is a lot to ask of him. I know that, believe me. Yet, I ask the impossible question anyways, hoping–praying even that he will give me the answer I want. The answer that it won't ever happen again. That I can live my life peacefully and he can too.

"I can't." He says, his voice full of sorrow, grief, and pain. I cannot pinpoint which one but whatever one it is I know that he wishes this wasn't his answer.

"Why?" Again, I know the answer yet I ask anyways.

"Because I can't lie to you."

He's right, he can't. That's the fucked up thing about all this.


"How did this fucking happen?" I seethe at every single person that was in the penthouse that day

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"How did this fucking happen?" I seethe at every single person that was in the penthouse that day. Along with Maggie and Ethan who quietly sit on either side of me paying attention.

Its been almost a week since I had woken up from surgery. On my second day awake I was up and walking much to my family's disliking and on the third I was released from the hospital. On the fourth day we got everything important from the penthouse and moved into my fathers home just on the outskirts of the city. Marco also moved in claiming he has a fear of missing out.

Maggie's been glued to my side since I woke up and the only time she's away from me is when one of us need to go to the bathroom. Not that I mind but I do worry about her social life. Logan her girlfriend who I have met more than once now has come over to my fathers place everyday after school so she can help Maggie catch up and hang out with her.

I like her, she's good enough for my daughter.

"Only a few people knew about the meeting." Marco shakes his head, he has accumulated a list of everyone who may have known about the meeting to the best of his knowledge. "We must have a rat."

"I think he's the fucking rat," Vito one of my capos point to Ethan who immediately shrinks in his seat from the accusation. "How he got scared and chickened out like a fucking pussy, not to mention the fuckers that attacked us were from his fathers mafia!" He's now standing, smoke almost coming out of his ears he's so pissed off.

"No." I growl, my face dead set with a very pissed off expression. One that I have been carrying since stepping into this damn meeting. "It cannot be him because he's only had contact with four to five people since he's gotten here. Don't fucking accuse the kid, just because his father is his father doesn't mean you can blame him for his doings."

Standing up for Ethan is easy. I have grown quite fond of the boy because of Maggie. After he killed the fucker who shot me in attempts to save my life I now respect him. He wouldn't have killed soldiers that he sent out to kill us if he was working for them.

"Then who could it be hm?" He asks me in a taunting manner. Who does he think he is talking to me like that?

"I would watch how you are speaking to your Don right now Vito." My father warns from his seat on the other end of the table directly across from me. He has his finger on his chin, a daring look on his face. Vito backs down keeping his mouth shut. Let's hope he's fucking embarrassed with his accusation.

"I uh, I have something to say." Maggie shyly speaks up for the first time since we've sat down. Sending her a look of encouragement I nod at her to continue. "When I had come upstairs I saw two of the guards that are always in front of the door dead on the ground. The emergency exit window was broken and the door was open. I think whoever gave the hint to Roan, was there the whole time."

"Wait, I didn't know the guards were killed?" I look over at my father. My eyebrows furrow as I try to make sense of it. 

"I didn't know they were killed either." He shakes his head. "The bodies weren't there when I came back after leaving the hospital."

"The clean up crew must've disposed of them." Jonathan mumbles rubbing his face. He's frustrated, we all are.

"Wait weren't there three guards that night?" Carlos speaks up with his eyes wide yet just as confused as the rest of us.

"So, if there were three guards, two were dead, there was only the dead soldiers in the penthouse, none of our people. So does that mean?" Marco trails off as if he doesn't know the answer.

"I think it means that one of the guards was our rat. It's makes sense y'know. We left out the guards who knew about the meeting, they saw as we went into the penthouse. The question now though is which guard was the rat."

"Maggie did you see the guards faces?"

She shakes her head before answering. "They both had brown hair, I didn't see much else. Their faces were smeared in blood and I really didn't want to look. Sorry."

"Don't be." I sternly tell her. She should've never been there. She shouldn't even be apart of this. I feel as though she should be staying with Ray right now. At least she wouldn't have to hear about that day. Ever since then she's been anxious, constantly looking over her shoulder.

"Wasn't there a blond guard that day too?" This was Ethan. He hasn't spoken up since we came in here. He shouldn't be here either, he was there that day and he is traumatized too. I have a feeling he's never been in a situation like that before.

"The only blond guard that we have outside our place is Kyle Pratt." I shake my head. He wouldn't do that would he? I let him into my home for dinner one night, I trusted him to make sure no one hurt Maggie.

No one said anything as we all came to terms with who our rat is. A trusted guard and a trusted friend.

Now he's the enemy and once we get our hands on him he will be treated as such.


Hey everyone! Im so sorry, I hate this chapter so much. Sorry if it is bad.

Schools been a bitch lately so I haven't had the time to write new chapters or fix the ones I don't like. Because of that I haven't had a chance to work on my next book.

Lots of love and hopefully I can get a chapter out before Saturday :)

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