Chapter 17

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A couple of weeks had passed. I was getting familiar with people in town and was helping Sam out two days a week with doing nails at the spa to make some extra cash. It helped me to make more friends. Sam even let me bake some items to sell at the front which had landed me some business as well.

I have spent almost every night with Ben, we are totally wrapped up in each other. It's the only time we can really be together. I'm hoping we can tell people soon so we can actually go out and do stuff. But I'm not complaining about all the time in bed we've had.

I know Sam had her suspicions. She claimed that on a walk of shame of hers, she saw Ben's car in my driveway. He usually left by 5 am so fuck me she decked out of that piece late, or early, however you want to look at it. But she hasn't pushed the issue.

I have overheard the girls talking about Ben and Diesel's reputation in town.The ladies love the MacKenzie boys. Not going to lie, it hurt hearing about his past, but he's right. He has one. And I can't punish him for that. He didn't know about mine, and fuck he was probably going to lose his shit.

"Can we finally convince you to come to the Falcons BBQ tonight? I mean we're all friends now, we can help keep the boys away from you, by distracting them ourselves." Janice said, rubbed her massive boobs together as the group of 5 women laughed.

"We'll see ladies, I'm pretty tired today, I worked a double yesterday at Joe's and I'm here now prettying you bitches up." I joked. I also wanted to talk to Ben about it. Truth be told, I could go for some drinks and a bonfire with the girls, but I knew how insecure Ben felt about his brother and the club, and me.

"How about this, I'll go home and take a nap and I'll text you later if I decide to go."

"Hey, that's better than a no." Sam clapped her hands together. I decided to enjoy more chit chat with the girls while I painted my nails pink. After my shift I went home and called Ben.

"Babe." He answered with a silky smooth voice, making my heart swell.

"Hey Baby, how are you? How was your day?" I purred into the phone. Hidden meaning, please come over to fuck.

"I'm good but I've got some bad news, well I mean good news for the truck, but not you. I can't make it tonight. I have to go pick up a part for the truck in a small town a few hours away. So I'll be back super late or I may stay at a motel if I'm too tired for the drive." He said.

"Why not wait until morning?" I pouted. The fact he would be gone overnight made me nervous.

"I'm in a bidding war with another buyer, the part owner said whoever gets there first and this guy can't make it til the morning." He explained.

"Oh OK. Well if you're not going to be around would you be OK if I went to the club BBQ? The girls invited me.″ There was silence on the other end of the phone. I knew he was uncomfortable. He sighed out.

"You really want to go?" He asked. "I mean, I don't want to keep you from doing things with your friends."

"Yeah, it would be nice to have a couple drinks around the fire with the girls, they make me laugh." I said and was greeted with silence again. "I can handle those boys, you know it. You have to trust me Ben. Remember, I'm your girl. I'm yours." Those words made me flash back to our rendezvous at the bar a few weeks back. It was a phrase that frequented our sex life ever since, we loved our dirty talk.

He groaned on the other end of the line clearly thinking to himself about all the times we've called that out while fucking.

"Damn baby. You're home right?!" He said with a gravel to his voice.

"Uh huh."

"See you in 10.″ The line went dead and I laughed. I sat on the porch for no more than 10 minutes before his car screeched to a stop in my driveway. He marched up with a determined look. He dragged me inside and fucked me hard and fast on the kitchen table.

"Wow. You sure know how to make an entrance." I panted, coming down from my orgasm. He grinned at me, proud of his accomplishment. He gave me a gentle kiss on my lips as he helped lift me up from the table.

"There, now I feel better with you going out around a bunch of dudes. I'm fresh in your mind and my scent on your body." We laughed. He marked his territory.

He put his forehead against me, placing his hand over my heart. "You are mine." He said. I copied his action, placing my hand onto his chest. I smiled. "I am yours." He kissed me deeply before he left for his three hour drive to get his part.

I got ready for the BBQ and Sam was ecstatic. I made sure not to dress in my usual bar wear, I wore my torn jeans and a band tee from a rock concert. Ben was happy that my outfit did not reveal the goods.

I walked over because I intended to drink so I wouldn't drive. It's only about a 20 minute walk. When I showed up the party was in full swing. Let's see how these biker boys party!

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