Episode 5: Our Scarlet Thread

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Lucky and the guest looked to one another, and while the latter offered a curious smile, the former merely strode in his confusion.

"Lucky," Miss Lamella said, setting her book aside, "glad to see you."

"Yo, Boss," the rabbit replied. "Came as soon as I got the message."

"Which I appreciate. Sorry to summon you out of the blue like this."

"No worries." Lucky gave a weak smile. "It's not like I had plans anyway."

He approached the desk, same as the guest.

"Lucky"—Miss Lamella gestured to the fox—"meet Marvis. Marvis, this is Lucky—the one I was telling you about."

The guest, Marvis, outstretched his hand. "Nice to meet you."

Lucky matched the gesture. "Pleasure's mine."

"Marvis, here, is from the South Division," Miss Lamella explained. "He'll be spending some time here as part of an exchange program."

"Exchange program?" the rabbit echoed.

"We're trying to get employees more experience with other parts of our nation. As you know, the Divisions vary greatly from one another; as such, we Keepers feel our members are being limited in their knowledge. We want them to be able to face any problem with confidence. Only way to get confidence is through experience."

"I think I understand," Lucky said. "Does this mean you're transferring me?"

"Not at all," Miss Lamella corrected. "I already sent that person away. What I'd like you to do is show Marvis around the city. It's his first day here, so he doesn't really know much."

The fox smiled shyly. "Sorry to put you out like this. This Division is way different from the South."

"I don't really mind," Lucky assured, "but why'd you pick me, Boss? I'm head of the security department. Wouldn't you want someone from the urban development team? They'd know all the hotspots."

"But those members aren't the best fighters," Miss Lamella explained. "Marvis, here, is part of the agriculture team, so his combat ability is less than stellar. Add the fact that some demons don't appreciate others 'invading' their Division and disaster follows close behind. Our guest gets attacked, and next thing we know, we're at war with the South. That's the last thing I need."

"War is a bit of a stretch."

Lamella kept her lips straight. "Only takes a spark to start a flame."

The rabbit swallowed the lump in his throat.

His boss, however, eased up.

"It's merely a possibility," she said. "A small one, at that. Chances are, no one will even notice Marvis isn't from here. But I like to be cautious. Better safe than sorry, they say." She leaned back in her seat. "What do you say? Up for the job?" 

"I don't see why not," Lucky concluded. "All I have to do is walk around."

Marvis beamed. "Thank you so much, Mr. Lucky! I am in your debt."

"Don't worry about it. No skin—er, fur—off my bones."

Miss Lamella smiled. "Then it's settled. Marvis, I hope you enjoy everything the West has to offer."

"I shall surely try, Madame Lamella. I thank you for your generosity."

With that, the fur-some duo departed from the office, returning to the hallway with the gargoyles.

"You boys have a nice night," Lucky told them as he and Marvis strolled off.

One of the guards grinned. "Don't get too crazy."

My Bunny Boyfriend Can't Possibly Be This Cute! (Lucky x Female Reader)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang