Chapter 3

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"Now that we're done with that, let's start the meeting" hiruzen said to the the shinobi and civilian council."the forth is alive" there was immediately a uproar as minato stepped out.

Skip to the next day cuz I'm feeling laaaaaaazy

"Get me the konoha 12" hiruzen said. The anbu by his side immediately nodded and disappeared. Soon, everyone but kakashi was there. The senseis were shocked seeing the forth hokage, while the genin, other than shikamaru and neji were curious about who the man was. Minato, seeing a team of sai, sasuke and sakura with no sensei asked"where is your sensei?" Sakura immediately replied"kakashi sensei is always late" Which shocked minato. Kakashi? Late? What had happened while he was gone?

Suddenly, the door open"sorry I was late, I was helping a old lady cross the street" kakashi opened the door, reading his *cough* erotic *cough*

"Kakashi?" Minato asked kakashi immediately looked up and saw his sensei, before saying "nope" and walking backward out of the room, closing the door before running away.

Kakashi pov

Kakashi had seen alot of crazy things, but this was still near the top of his list. His sensei, who was dead, standing infront of him. So he did the most rational and logical thing.

Saying "nope" and walking out of the room

However, he had forgot about his sensei's hirashin, so he had been caught.

He was immediately hirashined kakashi back, and the third hokage explained what had happened.

My Pov again

Kakashi looked at minato as though as he would disappear and then, the third said" there a mission for all of you. During the sand-sound invasion, 6 people had appeared, one of them immobilising orochimaru and killing the sound 4 and the others had caught kabuto, destroyed danzo's root, which is now all gone and killed danzo too"

There were gasps going around the room. Even the hokage would have trouble taking down orochimaru, yet a person had single-handlely defeated him with no trouble at all.

"However, minato had placed a hirashin seal on one of them, and now, I want you to track them"

They accepted the mission, and hiruzen said"You will leave in 30 minutes"

"But hokage -sama who is he?" Sakura said pointing at minato like his face wasn't literally engraved on a cliff

"Oh that's the forth hokage" hiruzen said, and everyone gaped at him "oh yeah, minato, on this mission you can also go search for your son"
Minato nodded, thanking the hokage and everyone went to get ready

With minato and kakashi

Kakashi followed Minato, and said "I'm sorry, the council never lete have any contact with your son. They said I would reveal the secret about the nine tails and parentage to him."

Mianto simply patted kakashi's head, saying "don't worry, you tried. Let's just focus on finding him now."

Small joke

Ino-shika-cho in the war be like:
Shikamaru:*yawns* imma go take a nap
Choji:*opens a pack of chips*
*Starts eating*
Ino:b-but we're in the middle of a war

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