The Surprise Date

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M/N's POV:

I woke up this morning, and Jeff started bugging me about what I said last night, literally, he waited in bed all morning, even though he was AWAKE, and right as soon as I opened my eyes, he said, "Goodmorning my love, how did you sleep?" I responded with "Good" and afterward he started repeatedly asking, "What did you say again, before you passed out?" "I couldn't hear you properly could you repeat it?" "Are you still tired did you forget?" "How about i reword it? How do you feel about me?" He didn't leave my side, at all, until he said he had to go, "meet with a old friend," and after I told him I loved him, I mean I do, but it's just odd to ask someone to tell you that instead of just saying how you feel and responding! Jeff really has never been in a relationship before, or SEEN people in movies in one! Though now that Jeff is gone, I kind of miss his clinginess. Like last time he left. I mean he is odd at times, though I guess technically "dating" a killer isn't supposed to be normal in anyway. I decide to kill the time by watching TV. When is he coming back! I lay on the couch in my, no. That doesn't sound right now. Our room. Mine and Jeff's. Me and Jeff. That has a ring to it. I smile to myself as I doze off on the couch.

Jeff's POV:

"GODDAMNIT TOBY! DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT YOUR DOING!" I shout at the top of my lungs.

"Well I'm sorry t-that you can't s-set up a decent date c-c-cause you can't p-put in the effort or time t-to ask what t-this guy l-likes!" Toby responds, clearly mad. With good reason I guess.

"WHAT I ASK AND DON'T ASK MY BOYFRIEND!" I shout, doesn't matter if I am giving him a hard time or not, he has no right to talk about my love life!

"D-Do you w-want my help o-or not?!" He yells, clearly pissed.

"Why do you think I came here in the first place!"

"C-cause you want t-to p-piss me off!"

"Ha! Very funny! Now help!" I look back to the laptop screen, which holds a list of restaurants, which I know for a fact I would more than likely destroy something in because of how fancy they are! I bet everyone working there are a bunch of PRICKS!

"Why can't I just set up something at a beach or in the woods!" I think outloud, and Toby seems to look at me with wide eyes, what the fuck is he looking at.

"What the fuck are you looking at?!"

"You actually h-had a good idea." He says before explaining what he was thinking. My grin widens at every word he says. M/N is going to love this! I hope at least.

-----Time Skippo-----

M/N's POV:

I wake up to someone shaking me gently. I open my eyes slightly before closing them at the first sight of light, and grab. What the, long, black hair, oh. I know those eyes. I slightly open my eyes, not to much, just enough to see where Jeff was, and wrap my arms around his neck, resting my face in the crook of his neck.

"Mmm, hey Jeff." I mumble, which comes off as more of muffled sounds.

"Hey love." He says softly, atleast he understands what I said. He rubs my back slightly.

"Are you in the mood to go somewhere? If not you can take a minute to wake up, but I might just end up carrying you there!" Okay, at least I know he won't lie if I asked if he cheated on me, I joke internally.

"Mmn, do you wanna carry me? I might be to heavy." I say jokingly, if you couldn't tell by how tired my voice is.

"Alright, your not heavy at all that's how I got you here anyway!" He says, God Jeff reminds me of a obsessed puppy! Wait, this is technically my first time out of the house after getting here, you'd think I'd be more excited, guess not. Jeff picks me up bridal style and carries me Gods know where, but i guess if Jeff is the one bringing me somewhere, I could care less where. I rest my head on his chest and just rest my eyes, listening to his breathing, heart beat, the sounds around. It's soothing.

About, I guess what feels like a couple minutes, we arrive somewhere, the smell of salt water entering into my sense of smell, and when I look at the sight before me, my breath feels as though it was wiped out of existence.


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" god." I look up at Jeff who was already looking at me, a blush noticeable on his face.

"Honestly speaking, it looks like crap, my friend Toby insisted on only helping set up that weird, curtain, light shit, saying I'd do fine with everything else." He says, looking away.

"Was 'Toby' also the person who came up with this?" I ask, laughing.

"No actually it was, I was going to book a restaurant, but they looking so fucking annoying, I bet the people there are stuck up pricks!" Jeff said, he less of a serial killer, but a normal guy. No. Jeff is a normal guy, just with odd interest, he feels things, pain, anger, sadness, love, he just has his own way of expressing it, his past, whatever it is that made him do the things he does, it doesn't matter, I don't care.

"Your sweet." I say, touching his cheek, and kissing the other. The face Jeff made was priceless, he was so dumbfounded that when I got out of his arms, he didn't move until I took out my phone and took a picture! I already started running down the beach when he realized what I did!

"M/N! DELETE THAT!" He shouts, chasing after me.

"NOT HAPPENING!" I yell, laughing as I do so. I look back and see he was straight up, Flash speed, after me, shoot, turn! He's right there!! OH SHI-

"Delete it." He says sternly, ontop of me, okay, last resort, I brush some sand out of his hair as I kiss him.

"Jeff, please?" I say, trying to do puppy eyes, which I was told I am good at, by my former family and friend, looks like it's working as he gives me a complex expression.

"Grr....FINE! You show anybody and i won't let you off love!" He say, sitting up, practically straddling me since he didn't STAND up, just sit, awkward since he's already taller then me.

"Jeff.~" I say, raising a brow at him.


"Didn't a cetrtain someone set up a special something for me?~" I ask, placing my hand on his heart, not literally, just where it is located.

"Huh....OH SHIT!" He yells, ouch! Right in my ear bitch! He jumps up, pulling me with him when he grabbed my wrist. But the moment we set down at the table I threw a weird looking bread stick loaf thing at him for yelling in my ear earlier.

"WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!" He yells, clearly pissed, I only laugh.

"Take a guess?" I sort of ask, as I take a bite of the food infront of me.

".....GRR! I DON'T FUCKING KNOW!" That only made me laugh more.

"You yelled in my ear earlier you bitch!" I say more in a playful tone then pissed.

"Oh....sorry?" He says, rubbing the back of his neck.

The rest of the night seemed to fly by and before I knew it, we were back at the house, and laying in eachothers arms. I don't ever want this to end. Killer or not, mentally ill or sane, I don't care, Jeff has become someone special to me, and has been since the moment I met him in that alley, how he got there, I don't care. It doesn't matter.

"I love you....Jeff."

"I love you too, M/N."

The One That Didn't Run Away(Jeff x Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now