All I wanted was a break.

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Jeff's POV:

I pace back and forth in the hallway, bloods dripping down the ceiling in there and M/N would yell at me to take a shower if he saw me covered in blood again, I took a shower as I was waiting for him to come out his room a few hours ago, short answer, HE DIDN'T COME OUT! Why is he so pissed?! I see a arm on the floor in the hallway, only a arm, so I do the normal thing and kick it into a wall like a ball, it keeps rolling back, so I keep kicking it. Seriously! I was just trying to help! He seemed so upset when he talked about them, now he doesn't have to! Their gone! No one to go back to! Now he has me! Why can't he see that he only needs me!

I go out of my way to track these people down and he couldn't care LESS! I had to track down a "Emily" with only her first name! I had to "interigate" teachers and students, for him! I am going to lose it! I stop kicking the arm and just throw it in the blood filled room, and walk over to his door, placing a hand on the nob, about to barge in before deciding to knock first so as not to startle him.

"What...." He says through the door, exhaustion evident in his sweet voice. I open the door, slipping in, he's on the couch near the TV, just staring at the blank screen.

"You should get some rest love." I say, walking over and wrapping my arms around him. Our little talk could wait for later, my dear M/N's health is more important.

"....are you happy? I have nothing to go back to. Yeah my family wasn't perfect but I still cared about them, you didn't need to do all that." He says, his voice obviously to strained to yell, tears seem to be daring to appear. Why is he so upset? I did this for us, they weren't important, they don't deserve his affection, I do!

"YOU HAVE ME! THAT'S ALL THAT MATTERS! WHY CAN'T YOU SEE THAT?! I WILL NEVER LEAVE YOU! THEY WOULD!" I shout, I was going to continue, but I noticed the tears streaming down his soft cheeks. I sigh deeply before cupping them, carefully wiping them away.

"Why can't you just care about me? Me alone....all I want, all I ask for, is your love." I say softly, not wanting to hurt him anymore. I know I can be dense, Toby, Slender, well pretty much everyone tells me that much, mainly that old faceless prick. But I just can't seem to piece together why he is acting like this.

"That's just it Jeff! You didn't need to do all that for my love! You ass! If you had just given me a few moments to myself I could've told you!! Told you that I-! That...." He trails off halfway through. Tell me what?

"Told me what love?" I ask, jumping over the couch, now sitting next to him, I wrap my arms around his waist, holding him close to me as I set him in my lap. "You can tell me now? We have all the time in the world.~" I don't want to see him cry anymore, so yelling isn't going to fix that. But now I am curious, what does my beloved wish to tell me?

"It's not important, what is, is that you just killed off everyone I know! For what reason other then your sick game Jeff! What you did was wrong!" Wrong? You knew I was a killer, I told you I was, you didn't care then so why now?

"It didn't seem to matter before. I told you I was a killer, you know I killed before, it shouldn't matter now."

"That was different! I didn't know those people, yeah I guess I have sympathy for their families and friends but I am not going to cry and make a scene over it, this is my family though! And my best friend! I am not going to ask random people to get all emotional over this!"

"......" So even now they still get in the way? I tighten my grip on his waist, not enough to hurt him. No. I would never do that, just enough to make sure he is here. With me. It stayed silent like that for some time before he spoke.

"Jeff? Are you okay? Look I'm sorry for lashing out, I am just really tired, it's been a long day. They're dead, no use making a scene over it, right?" He says, turning to face me, he leans his head on my shoulder, and places a hand on my cheek.

"Aren't I someone you care about too? If not I can be, I can take care of you! They couldn't, but I can! So stop caring about them! You seemed to care about what happened to them, but you didn't ask about me! Would you act this way if it was me dead and not them? What if they killed me instead of the other way around?!" He doesn't need anyone else but me, they are all worthless! I remove one arm from around his waist, placing my hand over his, my other still keeping a firm grip around him.

"I....Jeff that's....It's not that you're not someone I care about, but that didn't happen? Your fine. It's just-!" I glare at his words. Really?! I don't care, he can't live without me! I can't live without him, he can treat me like a bitch for all I care, like a fucking slave! Whatever, he just can't leave me! He sighs before talking again.

"Alright....I care about you? But-" He was going to continue but I stopped him.

" about me like a lover!" His love. That's all I need.

"Jeff?" He ask, why does he seem hesitant now? he...?

"Your not planning to throw another butter container at me, are you?" I ask, I think I remember seeing one in the, freezer? I should've checked earlier but I had to deal with those pricks.

"No, but hey, maybe tomorrow!" He says, laughing, I can't help but smile at his laughter, but I pout after, does he see me as a lover or not? (Pouty boi!)

"But seriously, I am about to actually pass out, if I fall off this couch I will punch you." He speaks, his breathtaking laughs already faded away as he rest his head on my chest.

"I would never let that happen." I won't, I'd rather kill gravity itself before letting that happen.

" didn't have to kill them because," His words were interrupted by a yawn. Cute. "I...already love you." Wait....WHAT!?!?

"What? M/N?! Hey!" DAMNIT! HE'S ALREADY ASLEEP! WHAT THE FUCK?! I let out a loud groan as I carefully pick him up and lay him on the bed. Seriously! You could've told me that earlier! But hey, they're already dead, who cares anyway! They still deserved to die! Ha! Take that you cocky old fucks! Plus the Emily chick, you ask me, she's a ugly toad looking barbie doll!

I remove my shoes and hoodie before slipping into bed next to M/N, holding him in my arms again. Maybe... I could ask him out tomorrow? Dates are normal right? I could put on a mask and some shit and go out for dinner with him? What's the term, "book" something? Slender might know something, no he'd be a pain in my ass if he finds out. Toby? Yeah Toby, he's atleast bearable. Goodnight my love. I peck his cheek before closing my eyes. Guess today wasn't as bad, except for that one bastard hitting me with a bat when I tried to cut his stomach open. Yikes. I sound like EJ.

(Yeah. Been like a week since I updated, here you go, the long awaited Jeff perspective, well in my opinion long awaited. I have been typing in M/N's pov for some chapters, so heres the Beans POV, Jeff is a crazy sweetheart, NO OBJECTIONS!! 😈😈😈😈😈😈😈👹👺👾👾👾👾👾👾👾 HA! SLANTED EMOJIS!)

The One That Didn't Run Away(Jeff x Male!Reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz