What happens now?

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M/N's POV:

Jeff finally came down stairs about 15 minutes ago. Currently we are sitting on the couch in my living room, eating pizza. Jeff was amused to see a movie about "Slenderman," and he instantly put it on, he seems to know this guy. Not that I don't know who he is, I heard some things about him on the internet, and seen some books on him at the library and other places, seems like a nice person, avoiding the whole "child abduction" rumors. So far it isn't that bad. But the atmosphere is so freaking awkward I can't focus on the movie! Jeff hasn't said a word this entire time except to ask what I had to drink! This is weird, Jeff comes off as the guy who doesn't know when to shut his trap! Do I speak? Does he even want to talk? Earlier he was all in my face saying weird crap about how I was "beautiful" and "perfect!" Who does that?! This is worse then the time Ace (older brother mentioned in chapter 1) made me meet his friends from college, and I had no idea what they were talking about! Screw it, I have to deal with this before I die from awkwardness!

"Hey Jeff?" Fuck! I meant to sound more casual, that was just plain sad!

Jeff looks to me but says nothing, instead he stares me dead in the eyes as he takes a big bite of his pizza. That has to be the most disturbing action I have ever seen in my life. You don't say anything but you eat like a pig! REALLY? Oh great he's not even looking at me now! Okay I am going to be the mature one here, I take the remote, pause the movie, and throw the remote at Jeff.

"WHAT THE FUCK M/N?!" Jeff yells at me, clearly upset. Does he think I'm not?! He's being a complete dick right now! I am so sick of this! Fuck Jeff! Fuck this pizza! Fuck everything!

"FUCK.YOU.JEFF!" I say, well actually I yelled that, but who cares?! I slam my plate on the table and walk out the room.

"M/N?!...okay, WHAT THE HELL DID I DO?!" I hear Jeff yell as I am partially up the stairs.

"OH NOTHING! EVERYTHING IS GREAT! YOU KNOW WHAT, SINCE YOUR WOUND SEEMS BETTER NOW, WHY DON'T YOU JUST LEAVE! YOU CAN LEAVE NOW OR IN THE MORNING, I DON'T CARE!" I say that, but I really don't want him to leave. But I know if he doesn't leave now, I won't be able to handle it later. Might as well leave on bad terms then good ones, right? You don't want to get to attached, right? I don't know. I run up the rest of the stairs and to my room, slamming and locking the door. I slide down my door to the ground, holding my knees to my chest. I mean it, fuck Jeff. He's a jerk, a dipshit, a whatever Jeff is! Look in the dictionary, under Jeff, the definition is a jerk ass pig! He looks like a pig! No a fucking giraffe on crack while taking his license picture!

"M/N?" I hear Jeff say through my door. Now he wants to talk. Ha, that's funny, looks like you got to yell at someone to get them to speak to you! I don't respond. I don't want to, he's a jerkwad and he deserves no response!

"M/N...please talk to me. We didn't even finish the movie." Really Jeff? That's all you care about? Watch the rest your damn self!

"Just fucking leave Jeff." I say, I was upset a moment ago, now I am just pissed! Your so fucking heartless Jeff!

"I don't want to leave!" Jeff yells, punching my door.

"And why not! Huh? You sure don't seem like you want to be here!"

"I do want to be here! With you! And I won't leave here unless your coming with me!" Jeff says as I hear him slide down the opposite side of my door.

"And what the fuck is that supposed to mean?!" Now I am just flat out confused, how does he go from silent treatment, to pleading he wants to stay here at my house with me?

"It means I-! I...fucking hell M/N!" I hear him groan, and I think wack his head on my door. "Just open the fucking door already!"

"Bitch what!? I am not opening shit until you get your crap together! It sounds like your having a mental breakdown outside my bedroom!" I say, more as a joke to prevent myself from opening my door just to drag him to, and push him out my window. Which might not end well on my part, considering he is taller, and more well built then I am.

"M/N....open the damn door." Okay. That didn't sound like a polite request. That sounds more like he is going take my door off the hinges and break it into pieces.

"Nope....I'm good mate, enjoy life on the other side of this state!" I say, awkwardly laughing. I feel like I'm going to die. That's nice. I lived a good life, tell my parents I love them, but they can fork off, and tell my brother he's a fucking bitch, and he still owes me $20. Also, tell my ap human geography teacher I always knew he was secretly a spy chihuahua, and he should not erase my crap off the board!

Oh crap, shit, fuck, shit, fuck tarts! He is literally pounding on my bedroom door! What the fuck! This is so wrong! Dude I saved your life like 2 fucking days ago! You owe me! I had to clean that couch! Yeah I am out, I stand up and literally RUN to my closet and lock it. Yeah, I probably should've climbed out the window. No I can't climb for shit, I would've died from that anyway!

*insert violent door murder sounds*

What....the actual fuck just happened. Do I even want to know? This is scary shit on another level! Before it was all just jokes and shit, he is literally pissed right now!

"M/N....where are you?" I hear Jeff coo.

I can hear his harsh breathing from the closet, this is next level horror movie shit!

"I just want to talk, really! Sorry about the door. But in all honesty, who needs doors! If anything it is truly fucked up that something so simple, seperated us all that time!" What the hell is he on! This day went from 0 to 100 way to fucking fast! I can hear him flipping everything in my room, my bed, my stand, my computer! That thing was expensive!

"Oh M/N~ you're really starting to test my patience this time!" He's lost it. He's laughing like a mad man! What did I get myself into?!

. . . .what happened?. . . It just went silent.

"M/N, I know your in there~ come on, open the door, I won't hurt you! I'd never hurt you, I just want to talk!" He says that, but he just slammed his fist on the fucking door! What do I do? If I don't open the door he'll be pissed and he'd do the same thing he did to my bedroom door! If I do... I don't know, but it doesn't seem appealing! I am really going to have a heart attack, he's going to break the lock turning the handle like that!

"M/N!" Fuck! Okay, okay, shit!

"Fine! J...just calm down!...just, please back away from the door a bit?" Okay, he's quiet. Good thing or not, I don't know!

I hear his footsteps move from the door, loud, but slow. "There." That's it? He doesn't even sound calm! Fuck! I stand up from the closet floor shakily, my hand on the lock of the door. I turn the lock and slowly open the door, and step out. "You. Don't look calm." He has a freaking knife. What was he going to do with it?! Oh. My door doesn't even look like a door anymore! It looks like a murder scene! And The wood is the blood splattered everywhere!

"You expect me to be calm after hiding from me? I'll be calm, fine! See look! I am just peachy!" He says through gritted teeth as he steps closer.

"Jeff...you're really starting to freak me out right now..." I step back, but he grabs my wrist and pulls me to him, his arms wrapped around my waist.

"You told me to leave M/N. You locked yourself away from me. You didn't listen to me." Jeff buries his face in the crook of my neck, his grip tightening around me.

"...Jeff?" I don't know what to say. What am I supposed to say to that?!

"M/N, I love you."

"You....I....what?!" That came from no where!

"You asked me what I meant earlier. That is it. I love you, so I can't leave you. I'll do anything for you M/N, but I won't leave you." Jeff moves his head from my neck and looks me in my eyes. His grip loosens up as he removes one arm, leaving the other there. Then out of no where a cloth covers my mouth and nose. Before everything goes black I hear him say, "I can't leave you."

What....happens now?

YEAH! That happened!

The One That Didn't Run Away(Jeff x Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now