Why are you doing this?

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M/N's POV:

Minutes turned into hours, hours into days, days turned into weeks, then into months. I lost track after month 2 of being here. I am not sure if it's become the 3rd month or a few weeks after the 2nd. He's mad. I haven't seen him since about 2 days ago. We had....a disagreement. All I wanted was some boundaries. Every moment of me being here he's been beside me except to go get some food, or take a shower when I actually mentioned it! But noooo I can't even have a moment to myself! Even when I am sleeping! He's right there!

~2 days ago~

I am there, on my bed, Jeff, behind me, arms around my waist, he put a TV in my room. I mentioned how I wanted to watch S/N(show name), and then he suddenly gets a TV! What is he getting at?!

"Jeff, can you give me just a couple hours to myself for once?! Your always right there!" I yell, trying to rip myself out of his grip. But as I finished yelling that, he tightens his grip.

"Why? So you can hide away from me again?" He says, his voice cold, sending a shiver down my spine.

"No, so I can atleast have some sense of freedom! I feel like I am in a prison cell! No where to go and there is always that guard outside!" I counter him.

"Oh~ so I am a guard to you?!" He yells, holding my chin in his hand, so I look at him.

"I never said that! I just need some time to myself!" Seriously, what part of that can't get through his thick skull!

"Oh, my love, all I want is to be with you! But yet you continue to try and push me away! And for what reason? We belong together, just you and me, every second of the day and night should be spent with us together!" With every word the crazy glint in his eyes, and expression on his face got worse. He looked like he could kill somebody, any moment, he would do it in the blink of a eye.

"Seriously Jeff?! I did have a life before I met you! I had a best friend, Emily! My parents! My brother, Ace! I had a life! I was planning to get a full-time job! Make a living! Then you went and messed my life up!" I start to catch my breath after I finished my little 'lash-out,' bad idea, his eyes were practically burning with rage.

"So that's it.....it's because of them? Emily, Ace, and your parents? Hahahaha! No big deal! Alright, FINE! You can have your "free-time" I will fix this." He lets go of me, gets off the bed and before he goes to leave the room, he puts his palm on my cheek and kisses me. He fucking kisses me. Before I could react he already pulled away, and leaves the room, as he's in the doorway he stops to look back at me. "I love you." That's all he says before leaving.

~Present Day~

What....THE HELL! Where is he!!!! I didn't say, "leave me alone in the middle of no where, ALONE! I tried leaving before, I don't know what he did, but the windows won't break, all exit doors won't open, or bust open! I am alone, and in all honesty....I miss Jeff. Even his clinginess! What the hell was that? I look to the door in "my" room, I think i heard a thud? I was going to check it out, but when I tried to turn the doorknob, just like the exit doors, it won't budge. What the? I sit back on my bed and just watch something on NETFLIX. I kind of got used to this weird house, and I am in no mood to waste my energy on a fucking DOOR for the 100th time!


I literally fall off my bed when my door slams open to reveal the all to familiar kidnapper. A wicked smile plastered on his face. But what stands out more then his expression is the strong stench of blood, and his entire clothing drenched in it. Not the same dry blood from before. No....it's fresh.

"I missed you so much love, so I made it a point to get here as quickly as possible, even if that meant resorting to....dire measures!" He says with pure joy lacing his deep raspy voice. What does he mean by dire measures? I get up off the floor and give him a skeptical look when he holds his arms out as if to say, "hug me!" Like a child would do to their parents. Uh.....no.

"Don't worry love, I just want to show you a surprise!" He says, I don't think I'll like this 'surprise' of his. But I follow him out the room despite my gut telling me to go back to my room, lock the door, and hide in the corner. Like locking doors did anything the last. In fact it did the opposite of protecting me from this lunatic!

"Come on M/N, I can't wait for you to see!" I look to him, he's already ahead of me, in a doorway looking at me. I don't like this, every step I take the sent of blood gets worse. I don't think the only thing covered in blood is Jeff's clothes. I was right. As I look into the room Jeff was at from the doorway, I feel like I am going to faint. Why?

"So? Do you love it as much as I do?! I was just going to do my usual routine, but I figured for the special occasion I would do something a little more, extreme!" Why is he so happy about this? There on the floor, no, not just the floor, is my entire family, and Emily. Their stomachs cut open, all their organs removed, thrown around the room, even those weren't shown mercy, he cut them up. Removed their limbs, hell even the ceiling had blood on it! Dripping down like rain! Almost unrecognizable, if it weren't for their faces, laying there like a Halloween mask i wouldn't even know who they were. He removed their bones and even their brains were smashed in. Why?

"Well~?" He says, bending over slightly into my peripheral vision with that same joyous look on his face.

"What is wrong with you? Why are you doing this?" I don't yell, I couldn't bring myself to.

"Why else? For us! They were getting in our way just like everything else! They were making you want to be away from me! I couldn't let that happen, so I just got them out the picture. Aren't you happy? Look at them!" He motions to the site. I can't look at that for another second. To think I actually missed this man! I turn and leave the room, heading back to mine.

"M/N?! Where are you going my love? I just got back-!" I block out the rest of his words as I get to my room and slam the door. Why is he like this?! All I wanted was some space to think! I slide down the door just like that night. Why is he doing this? Why? Now i have no one left. My grandparents passed away when i was young, my parents had no siblings, it was just me, them, and my brother. Emily is gone to and I wasn't close with her family, or anyone else at school. It's just me, and Jeff. Like he said. Of all the guys that could've fallen for me, it just had to be the one with a thick skull!


Yeah, I just went there. Do not freak out, it just had to be done. Well, not had to, but I needed it to be done. 😤 😁
Ooo~ would you look at that! You can slant emoji's!!! 🤣
*insert evil laugh*

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