What Is My Life

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Jeff's POV:

I finish up with my shower, drying myself off, and getting dressed, the usual normal things. I leave my shirt off since he said he'd do whatever, and quite frankly, I don't wanna be beat to death by a broomstick, seriously, what is he?! The wicked witch of the west with a broom slamming and butter container fetish?! Oh....right...I have to tell him I'm done....this is gonna be a long day.

I move to the door, and unlock it, praying to Slender he isn't armed, so I grab my knife, putting behind me, through my belt and yell. "HEY RANDOM GUY I'M DONE!"

...No answer...did he leave? Oh sheet I hear him. Fack fack fuck fack, Slender don't be pissed I cursed, you know what never mind I don't care, be pissed, this dude is gonna skin me alive! He seems crazy enough to do it! Worse then freaking Jane and her obsession with kicking my ass!

"Um....are you okay? If your going to die atleast do it outside in my backyard?"


"No I'm cool. Fine. Really!" I look behind him to see if he is armed in anyway, looks like he just has a first aid kit. Alright. Wait. I'm not scared of some guy I just met! I am Jeff the fucking beautiful killer! I am gorgeous, STUNNING! I am not scared of some dude who looks slightly younger then me! I-


I sit down on the closed toilet. This is awkward. Who the hell am I kidding this guy threw butter at me! BUTTER! Who does that! Sheet. Slender's gonna kill me if he looks through my brain like a creep. There goes whatever money I have. He has a freaking swear jar just for Sally! Not for her but for me and the other pastas!

"Could you move your arms? I can't do anything with you blocking it." He's says, in a slightly annoyed tone.

Huh? I look down and notice I was crossing my arms this entire time. Sheet! I got blood on my arms now! When did this stupid thing even reopen?! Fuck, fuck, fuckity, FUCK!

"Seriously? What did you expect with a thing that big just moving without it bandaged could open it up!" He says, grabbing a cloth and wiping the blood off my arms. How was I supposed to know? I've always killed my victims before they did anything, the largest thing I got before this was a bite mark from Smile! Bullet wounds are fine, just a pain in the ass.

"I can't clean you up properly if you don't let me move your arm." He says, bringing me out of my thoughts. I relax my arm, letting him move it over. His hands are soft. How can a guys hands be so soft?

"Jeff...my name...it's Jeff." I say, looking him in the eyes as he turned his attention from my blood, only to look back down at it, finishing up with my arms, and looking through the first aid kit.

"M/N, pleasure to meet you. Though I do expect you to clean up my living room." He says, looking to me with a smirk on his face. Fork me, why do i feel weird all of a sudden?

"You do know I am a serial killer. Right? I could kill you." I really don't want to clean sheet.

"And? I saved your life, you owe me." He says, finishing up wiping off the blood around the gash and cleaning it with whatever the hell that is, it stings like a motherTRUCKER!


"Suck it up, you yell in my ear again, or you wake up my neighbors, I'll throw you off my roof!"

Shiz...is he serious?!

"Alright, there you go you poor baby. Now lift your arms up so I can put the bandages on." He says laughing with every word. I wanna say I'm mad. I do. I should be! But..why?...FORK HIM! I can't remember and it's because of whatever he did to me! I don't know what but he did something.

"Alrighty, there you go Mr.Super scary serial killer! You can sleep in my guest room for the night. My room is off limits though. Go in there and you won't have legs to do it again! Finish whatever in here and I'll show you where it is." He says while cleaning up everything and walking out the bathroom.

What....the...actual FRACKING CRACKER JACKS IS WRONG WITH ME. I move my hand to my face, am I blushing?!

M/N's POV:

I leave the bathroom, throwing away stuff and putting the first aid kit in a closet outside the bathroom. Once done I go in my living room and burst out laughing like a hyena! His face was priceless! And don't get me started on his actual reactions!

Oh holy hell! Gods...fuck! Help me I can't breath! I am literally on the floor DYING! HELL! Now I am imagining his reaction when he walks in here! Would he stab me? Fuck I can't- I need to STOP! Hell I'll wake up my neighbors before he does!



I shut up. Holy hell it's the crazy neighbor with the fridge of frozen baby hands.😶

The One That Didn't Run Away(Jeff x Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now