"Maybe you should take a breather, Liam," I rolled my eyes, not bothering to look at Guinevere.

"Why are you still here?"

"I'm not allowed to be?" I groaned out of frustration and walked out of the room. I was over this with her. Just being around her made me sick. I made my way upstairs as the sound of heels clicking echoed behind me. I rolled my eyes as I tried to reach my bedroom door but stopped as her hand pulled me back by my elbow. I looked at her as her hand held me.

"Get the hell out of my face."

"Liam, she died and you have to move on. You're twenty-one years of age, how the hell are you so certain that Celes-"

"Shut your damn mouth!" I shouted at her, making her flinch. I yanked her hand off me before pinning her against the wall with my hand wrapped around her throat. "You have no idea who she is and what she means to me." She swallowed hard. "If you say her name one more time, I'll throw you out of this place." Her eyes stared up at me, trying to understand if this would be it for her. "And don't you, for a second think, that just because you fucked me against my will, you'll become my girl. That seat is taken for-fucking-ever." I released her throat and stepped away from her before opening my bedroom door.

"She's not coming back. Remember that," she said before walking away from my wing and leaving me on my own. I shut the door behind me and walked over to the centre of the room before taking a deep breath.

Except, the only thing it did was make it worse.

The anger resurfaced, making me grab the end bench of my bed and throw it at the wall opposite the balcony doors. I screamed as the bench collided with the wall, making it drop to the ground, basically shattered.

I started breathing rapidly, my hands beginning to tremble. I took in a deep breath before I ran my fingers through my hair and sat down at the end of the bed. I stared at the ground before something in my closet caught my attention.

I jerked my head upwards, trying to breathe quietly so I could see if I was imagining.

A light sound made its way to my ears. I rose to my feet and walked over to the door before I opened it slowly. I grabbed my gun with my free hand just in case and walked inside once the door was opened enough. I glanced around the room but as much as I could swear on my life that I heard the sound, there was nothing there.

I took a few steps forward, looking for anything out of place until I stilled.

My eyes caught something on the far end of the island. I made my way to it before I got to have a closer look.

A book.

With a key.

The diary.

My gun dropped to the ground as shock took hold of me. The diary we'd been looking for was right in front of me. I frowned because there was no way it was that easy to get it. It... came to me?

I touched it before I opened it. The lock was opened and the moment I flipped the cover page open, I was met with the title page which was written in cursive and Italian.

Diary belonging to Mariana Bianco.

If by any means you get a hold of it, use it for good.

I flipped through the pages, reading some of her writing and noticed that there were many outlined sentences with red ink and most pages were stained with some liquid. Considering the small drops through the page, I assumed they were tears.

I sat down on the bench right by the island and took the book in my hands. It was heavier than I thought.

I spent a full hour reading everything until I got to the final ten pages. So far, there wasn't anything interesting but I did sense her deep hatred for Vincenzo. She didn't hold back calling him out for small remarks he'd thrown at her during family dinners or as she walked around the house.

King of the Empire ✓| #2 |حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن