Suddenly Team could have sworn he saw Win's hand moving. He immediately stopped playing. "Hia?! Hia?! Can..can you hear me?!" Team couldn't believe it. "Hia! Please! Doctor! Someone! Please!" The boy jumped off his seat, ran out of the room to get a doctor or anyone who could help him. Win was slowly opening his eyes. The bright light of the room was blinding him, so he blinked a few times until his eyes had adjusted to the light. The doctor came immediately and Team went aside to give him more space. "Mr Wanichakarnjonkul, can you hear me?!" the doctor asked, while he was checking his pupils with a lamp. "Mr. Wanichakarnjonkul. If you can hear me, please lift the index finger of your left hand" the doctor commanded. Slowly but surely Win was trying to do what the doctor had said. "He is back. I can't believe it! He really woke up again" the doctor said.

Wan, View, and his parents were so happy to have Win back. Team decided that he won't disturb them any longer. Even if there were so many things he wanted to tell Win. Even though he hasn't spoken to him for what felt like forever. Even though his heart was longing for him. He knew that his family felt the same. He was not the only one who was scared to lose Win. He was not the only one unable to sleep because of Win. This was not only about him. His family deserves to see Win first. Besides, he didn't even know what to tell him. Even there were so many things he wanted Win to know, he did not know how to tell him or where to begin.

"Win? How are you feeling?" Wan softly asked while stroking Win's hair. "Hia? head hurts" Win answered. His voice sounded weak. "What.. happened?" he asked confused. "You had an accident. Do you remember?" View said. Win shook his head. "You were in a coma, sweetie," his mother said while tears were running down her cheeks. " long..?" "Too long. We were about to go crazy over here" Wan said jokingly. "But now you are back. Don't ever do that again, young man" his father said and Win could have sworn he saw some tears in his eyes. "I am sorry for making you worry so much" Win apologized. "Stupid boy. Stopp apologizing" his mother said and kissed his forehead while stroking his hair. "I..I am so tired" Win whispered and closed his eyes. "Sleep then. We will be here when you wake up. There is also someone else who wants to meet you" Wan said with a smile. "Someone...else?" Win whispered, but soon after he fell asleep. "Let's leave" his father commended before they left the room.

Meanwhile, Team was running in circles outside the room. "How is he?!" he asked Wan. "He is pretty tired. He immediately fell asleep again. The doctor said it's normal and he needs a lot of rest now. I can't believe he is back" Wan said crying and hugging Team. "How are you feeling, Teerayu?" Win's mother softly asked. "I..I am happy, too. I.." Team could feel his cheeks getting hot. Happy was an underestimate. He has never felt happier in his entire life. Win's mother softly smiled. "You know..Win has told me a lot about you" she suddenly said. Team looked at her in shock. "He..he did?" She nodded. "Yes. He..he really likes you..a lot." Wan smiled. He knew that his parents knew about Win's feelings for the boy. In fact, everybody knew, except Team. "Whenever he visited us, he told us about you. I have told him multiple times to bring you by because we wanted to meet this.." special person" he has always told us about. But..he said you were too shy and..he hasn't..well..I think Win should tell you himself" his mother said while smiling.

Something his parents knew, but Team doesn't? What should that be? Team thought. Did they..did they all know about his feelings? Could it really be that everyone knew about Win's feelings for Team..except him? Was he really that oblivious? "Do you want to see him now?" his mother asked. "I..I.." Team did not know what to answer. Of course, he wanted to see Win. The "awake" Win. But suddenly he got nervous. "Don't worry. Take your time. But I am sure..Win has waited long enough, don't you think?" Win's mother said. "If you think you cant handle it, I could come with you" Wan suggested. Team took a deep breath and nodded. "Ok. Let's go." When they opened the door, Win was laying in his bed with his eyes closed. Is he sleeping? Team thought. His heart was beating like crazy in his chest. "Win? Win?" Wan whispered. Win slowly tried to open his eyes. "Hia?" he asked weakly. "Yeah. It's me. How are you feeling?" Wan asked. "I am so tired" Win said and yawned. Team has never felt happier hearing Win's voice. "You can sleep soon. I just wanted to see you quickly." "Mom and Dad said I had an accident?" "Yes. That was a few..yes. But now you are back again" Wan said with a smile. "Samiya was worried about you, too. But don't worry. She and the baby are ok." Win frowned. "Baby? What baby?" he weakly asked. "Our baby, Win. It is a girl. Winnie. Winnie is what we are gonna name her" Wan proudly said. " are having a baby?" Win asked confused. "Win? Don't you remember? You even suggested the name. First, I was not really convinced, but after..Samiya and I loved the name. And..after the accident..Don't you remember?" Win was trying to remember anything. "I..I am sorry." "What is the last thing you remember?" Wan asked again. "I..we..we were at your graduation party. and dad..they were so proud of you for..graduating" Win said. His family was looking at him in shock. "Win..honey. That was 2 years ago." "What?!" Win suddenly got a panic attack and started breathing hard. "Calm down. Try to breathe slowly, Win" his father tried to calm him down. "How..How old am I?" Win asked, still trying to calm his breath down. "You are 21" his mother said. "21? I..I am no longer a 1st class student?!" Win was looking around the room. It was when he realized that View and Wan had changed. View was a lot bigger than he had remembered. "Win? You mean you can't remember the last 2 years?" Wan worriedly asked. Win shook his head. "So, you don't remember Team either?" his mother asked. "Team? Who is that?"

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